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In spite of a recent slowdown foreign direct investment from rising China in to Europe has been growing exponentially over the past decade. It ranges from manufacturing, energy, utilities and transport, to financial services, real estate and sports and has been expanding from acquisitions of European firms to greenfield and portfolio investment. The perceived challenges posed by these investments has led to increasing political and media attention, including calls for EU vetting and regulation of acquisitions.   Academic research on the phenomenon is however lagging behind these developments. Existing studies moreover tend to have a mono-disciplinary, national or sectoral focus. Over-arching conceptions of the interconnections between investments in multiple sectors and the often cross-European nature and intent of Chinese investments, as well as their (geo)political implications, is almost entirely absent. This does not augur well for the formulation of appropriate policy responses direly needed to engage constructively with rising China.   In the light of these scientific gaps and policy needs and by bringing together the leading and pioneering researchers from across Europe and beyond (e.g. China, USA), the aim of this Action is to:(a) pool current and stimulate further research on China’s deepening economic engagements with Europe (b) develop an interdisciplinary, holistic, cross-sectoral and pan-European understanding of the variegated impacts and strategies associated with these engagements; (c) comprehend the likely political and geo-political consequences of these; and (d) generate input on the policy implications of these issues involving relevant agencies from the EU, member countries, business, trade unions and other interested parties.
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Developing Competences for Stress Resilience @SMEs (DeSTRESS) aims to provide an innovative VET-based solution to this problem. Building on existing research, partners will develop a VET curriculum supported by an innovative VET Digital Training Platform using the latest techniques in game-based training and gamification, complemented by a set of practical tools and resources to facilitate the transfer of learning into the workplace. This environment will expose the main psychosocial health risks and their real impact on the individuals’ life and on the companies’ productivity. Players will assume roles, enabling them to think back on their experiences with these specific situations and how it happened, and which solutions are available for each scenario. Besides raising awareness on the problem, the project outputs will enable owner, managers and even decision makers to plan for and to mitigate its occurrence and the negative consequences of work- based stress. For that purpose, both a policy report and recommendations will be produced. A network of facilitators will also be created as an open forum to debate these issues. As such, the project will contribute to strengthening key digital competences in initial VET while preventing the inherent hazards. 
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As crianças têm o direito de participar em todos os assuntos que as afetam, expressando livremente a sua opinião e vendo-a respeitada e considerada. A participação de crianças pequenas é essencial para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura de direitos humanos e democracia. Portanto, a participação ativa e a tomada de decisões dos jovens na sociedade devem ser protegidas e incentivadas desde tenra idade. Embora o direito de participação das crianças seja essencial para a qualidade da educação, a sua implementação em educação de infância continua a ser um desafio. Com o objetivo de apoiar uma educação de infância de elevada qualidade com base na implementação do direito de participação das crianças, propomos uma abordagem multinível de desenvolvimento profissional.
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General Objective: Work-related stress is now widely recognised as a significant problem as its costs can involve high levels of sickness absence, accidents, errors, low morale and poor performance. Work-related stress is conditioned by, and contributes to, major environmental, economic and health problems. It has a significant impact on the well-being of staff, their productivity and effectiveness, and much of it is likely to be preventable. Given the exponential increase of work-related stress issues and the diffusion of depression among the European citizens, the WELLy project aims to set the role of Work Well-being Manager (WWM) in charge of making sure that daily working conditions are fair and as healthy as reasonably possible for every employee so that the overall quality of life at work improves within the organisation and across economies. Specific Objectives: The proposal aims to encourage a proactive approach and highlight the major role managers can play in reducing the problems of stress. For this reason the profile of Work Well-being Manager will be introduced: he/she has a cross-functional role which leverages psychological skills including diversity management, particularly when it comes to disabled persons as they often require specific adjustments of their work environment. On top of this, the Work Well-being Manager cooperates with other departments to analyse the issues caused or that could cause work-related stress, and to reduce psychosocial risks and improve employees’ commitment and engagement.
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O PROJETO DTE vai disponibilizar um conjunto de funcionalidades inovadoras, que recorrerá a tecnologias nas áreas de inteligência artificial e blockchain, permitindo designadamente a seleção e avaliação de candidatos com motores e ferramentas muito especificas e diferenciadas
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