The European MediaCoach Initiative
The European MediaCoach Initiative

The main focus of the European Media Coach project is the improvement of media literacy levels among young people through the development of large pool of media literate professionals working with youth in schools, youth centers and in non-formal contexts like libraries and museums. Instead of attempting the development of a pilot experimentation project, the European Media Coach project proposes the scaling up of a recognized and proven innovation in the field of media literacy. more specifically, the European Media Coach project aims at the replication of a practice in the field of media literacy that has demonstrable results with qualitative and quantitative evidence of impact; that of the Dutch national media coach program. Number of years the Dutch media coach training initiative has successfully achieved the goal of improving media literacy among children, young people and parents by training youth professionals, notably, teachers, librarians, youth workers, government officials and other societal professionals and by giving them the opportunity to study the possibilities and challenges of these new media and new literacies.

Parceiros Internos
Centro de Investigação Grupo de Investigação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
CIES-Iscte -- Parceiro 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
Parceiros Externos
Instituição País Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
European University Cyprus (European University Cyprus) Chipre Líder 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
European Association for Viewers Interests ( EAVI) Bélgica Parceiro 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
Stichting Reklame Rakkers (Stichting Reklame Rakkers) Países Baixos (Holanda) Parceiro 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
ActiveWatch - Media Monitoring Agency (MMA) Bélgica Parceiro 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
University of Sofia (University of Sofia) Bulgária Parceiro 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
Athens Lifelong Learning Institute (Athens Lifelong Learning Institute) Grécia Parceiro 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
Cyprus Pedagogical Institute (Cyprus Pedagogical Institute) Chipre Parceiro 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
Equipa de Projeto
Nome Afiliação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
Gustavo Cardoso Professor Catedrático (DS); Investigador Integrado (CIES-Iscte); Coordenador Local 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
Jorge Vieira Professor Auxiliar (DS); Investigador Integrado (CIES-Iscte); Investigador 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
Miguel Crespo Assistente de Investigação (CIES-Iscte); Investigador 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
Tiago Lapa Professor Auxiliar (DS); Investigador Integrado (CIES-Iscte); Investigador 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
Ana Pinto Martinho Assistente Convidada (DS); Assistente de Investigação (CIES-Iscte); Assistente de Investigação 2019-02-14 2020-11-30
Sandra Branco -- Assistente de Investigação 2018-11-01 2020-11-30
Financiamentos do Projeto
Código/Referência DOI do Financiamento Tipo de Financiamento Programa de Financiamento Valor Financiado (Global) Valor Financiado (Local) Data de Início Data de Fim
EACEA/07/2017 -- Contrato CE-Comissão Europeia - ERASMUS+ - Bélgica 347999 60184 2017-12-01 2020-11-30
Outputs (Publicações)

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Dados de Investigação Relacionados

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Referências nos Media Relacionadas

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Outputs (Outros)

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Ficheiros do projeto

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The European MediaCoach Initiative