Publication in conference proceedings
Action research methodology as a knowledge transition strategy
Maria José Sousa (Sousa, M. J.); Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira (Au-Yong-Oliveira, M.);
Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, ECRM 2021
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United Kingdom
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The social sciences need to be reinvented to find new paths and avenues for knowledge creation and transfer. Qualitative research, while unequivocally providing for rich insights and in-depth studies, still remains seen as a lesser form of research, in some regions of the globe at least. Other methods, such as structural equations modelling, have taken central stage in management research studies. This paper aims to counteract this in describing action research as a methodology and knowledge transition strategy. People create knowledge based on their concrete experience using their values and mental models, observing and reflecting on their experiences, by forming abstract concepts and generalizations about what to do next and by testing the implications of these concepts in new situations, which will lead to new concrete experiences. Action Research (AR) methodology looks for an increase in the knowledge and conscience of the individuals and the groups involved in the process, through the definition of concrete shares that can help the self-knowledge of the organization. This objective is reached through research, through the spreading of information and through the discussion of the results between all the participant actors. This study is focused on forms of Knowledge Transition (KT) in organizations through Action Research Methodology. The phenomenon studied is a manufacturing organization, and the research process was characterized by the adoption of interrogative-critical procedures that helped to identify solutions. The interrogative nature is based on the formalization of questions that helped to create and share critical knowledge. The process consisted in collecting information and unchaining an argument related with facts of the researched situation. The researchers performed an important role related to evidencing problematic aspects in general or related to interests or conflicts. The process adopted is not limited to data collection since it was also important to promote the dialogue and knowledge transition among organizational actors in the quest for solutions.
Knowledge management,Knowledge transition,Organization,Action research

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