Scientific journal paper Q2
Robust relation between public procurement for innovation and economic development
Nuno Bento (Bento, N.); Cristina Sousa (Sousa, C.); Paula Trindade (Trindade, P.); Ricardo Paes Mamede (Mamede, R. P.); Maria Fontes (Fontes, M.); Tiago Louro Alves (Alves, T.);
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Economics Letters
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We found a solid and robust relationship between the share of public procurement for innovation (PPI) in public procurement and GDP per capita for 30 European countries. The share of PPI is highly associated with determinants from “demand pull” as well as “supply push”. These findings open new opportunities for the study of the drivers of public procurement for innovation. The study also provides a new methodology for benchmarking.
The authors thank Ricardo Ribeiro and Inês Santos. Research was funded by the Portuguese National Innovation Agency (ANI), contract nº 7495726. No competing interest to declare. The usual disclaimer applies.
Public procurement for innovation,Productivity,Innovation,Cross-country comparisons
  • Economics and Business - Social Sciences
  • Social and Economic Geography - Social Sciences
Funding Records
Funding Reference Funding Entity
7495726 Agência Nacional de Inovação (ANI)
UIDB/03127/2020 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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