CV Summary

Soraya Monteiro Genin is graduated in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Lisbon (1990), has a Master degree in Science in Architecture, Specialization Conservation of Historic Towns and Buildings (1995) and a Ph.D. in Engineering (2014) by the Faculty of Engineering at the KU Leuven. Assistant Professor, she was Vice-Director of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute, where she has been teaching Architecture Technologies and Architectural Conservation since 2002. President of the Portuguese National Commission of ICOMOS since 2018. Expert member of the Sustainable Development Goals Working Group (SDGWG) and of the following ICOMOS Scientific Committees: Training, Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, Places of Religion and Ritual, Stone. Author of several publications and communications on Conservation of Cultural Heritage and History of Construction, her main areas of research. Coordinator of the research projects “SizaATLAS. Filling the gaps for World Heritage” (general coordination) and “F-ATLAS. Franciscan Landscapes: the Observance between Italy, Portugal and Spain” (principal researcher), at ISTAR-IUL and DINÂMIA'CET-IUL. She was ranked 1st in limited competitions on Architectural Projects she coordinated in her office (1999-2014), for the Belém Tower walkway I 2002, the cafetaria of the National Palace of Queluz in 2002, the Livramento Chapel in Estoril in 2003, the Hospedaria cloister of the Convent of Christ in Tomar in 2004, the French Embassy in 2006 and the Parliament, in Lisbon in 2013. Winner of the "TEKTÓNICA Promoter Academy" award for the course "Architectural Practices", which she organises since 2012, at the International Construction Fair, in Lisbon

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
PhD Engineering 2014
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
M.Sc. Science in Architecture - Specialization Conservation of Historic Towns and Buildings 1995
Faculdade de Arquitectura - UTL
Licenciate Arquitectura 1990
Research Interests
Conservation and rehabilitation of buildings
Cultural heritage
Photogrammetry. and Inventory
Pathology.and diagnostic of construction.
Design and construction of vaults.
Construction History
Civil Engineering Engineering and Technology
History and Archeology Humanities
Other Humanities Humanities