Projetos de Investigação
Internationalisation of Higher Education in Portugal: mutual learning and transferability of promising practices
Internationalisation of higher education (IoHE) is a prominent global trend, with a growing number of institutions and countries aiming to attract diverse student populations and enhance their international outlook. While Europe has made significant progress in this regard, there is still considerable variation in the level of internationalisationamong higher education institutions within individual countries. This project will focus on IoHE in Portugal, a ‘catching-up’ country when compared to other major players in the global market of international education and will examine the potential for mutual learning and transferability of promising practices between different institutions. The core argument is that various higher education institutions have successful and diverse practices regarding internationalisation, but they do not effectively exchange knowledge and experiences with each other, leading to missed opportunities for learning and improvement at an institutional level. This project aims, therefore, to understand how IoHE is defined, implemented, and experienced in Portugal, and to identify the barriers and facilitators to mutual learning and knowledge transfer in this context. Against this background, the current project has three core objectives:Objective 1 – provide a comprehensive analysis of the ways in which internationalisation is defined and understood at three different levels: macro – European; meso – national; and micro – institutional.Objective 2 – identify internationalisation practices implemented in Portuguese higher education institutions (HEIs) and assess their potential for mutual learning and transferability.Objective 3 – examine barriers and facilitators to mutual learning on internationalisation and the transferability of promising practices between different HEIs in Portugal.To achieve these objectives, a combination of diverse methods will be employed, such as document analysis, surveys, interviews with key stakeholders, policy Delp...
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Tackling the challenges of Erasmus+ mobility inclusion and diversity at higher education level
Inclusion+ aims at fostering inclusivity and diversity in Erasmus+ mobility at the higher education level by tackling the barriers faced by students with fewer opportunities, namely students with caring responsibilities and students with disabilities, to participate in international mobility. By establishing cooperation between HEIs and host cities Inclusion+ will enhance both host institutional and cities’ inclusivity. Inclusion+ activities are scoping review, dialogue forums, and online survey on inclusivity in student mobility to feed into a storytelling report and an online inventory of promising practices. Collaborative laboratories to co-create recommendations for inclusive mobility for HEIs and host cities and co-design a full-fledged prototype for a mobility app. Development of a roadmap and two factsheet checklists to guide HEIs and host cities on how to improve inclusivity toward Erasmus+ students. Our project aims at improving the partner HEIs’ ability to exchange students in an inclusive way, and foster host cities’ inclusiveness toward international students. Raise awareness at the HEIs and city level of the barriers faced by students with fewer opportunities to participate in Erasmus+ mobility. Support HEIs and host cities’ on how to better respond to the needs of these students. Website:
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