Teaching Activities
Teaching Year Semester Course Name Degree(s) Coordinator
2024/2025 Brand Expression and Identity Master Degree in Human Resources Management; Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2024/2025 New Trends in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2024/2025 Business and Brand Strategy Master Degree in Human Resources Management; Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2024/2025 Digital Marketing Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2024/2025 Digital and Social Media Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2024/2025 Research Seminar in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2024/2025 Marketing Communications Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2024/2025 Master Dissertation in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2024/2025 Digital Marketing and E-Business Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Yes
2024/2025 Strategic Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2024/2025 Branding Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2024/2025 Marketing Management Master Degree in Business Administration; Yes
2023/2024 Brand Expression and Identity Master Degree in Human Resources Management; Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2023/2024 New Trends in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2023/2024 Business and Brand Strategy Master Degree in Human Resources Management; Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2023/2024 Digital Marketing Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2023/2024 Digital and Social Media Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2023/2024 Comunicação Digital De Lugares E Smart Places Other programme in Pós graduação em Placebranding e Placemarketing; Yes
2023/2024 Webinar Placebranding E Placemarketing Other programme in Pós graduação em Placebranding e Placemarketing; No
2023/2024 Research Seminar in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2023/2024 Marketing Post Graduation Program in Business Administration - EMBA; Post Graduation Program in Management (with specialization in Finance or Marketing); Yes
2023/2024 Marketing Management Post Graduation Program in Business Administration - Track graduates in other areas; No
2023/2024 Marketing Communications Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2023/2024 Master Dissertation in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2023/2024 Strategic Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2023/2024 Branding Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2023/2024 Marketing Management Master Degree in Business Administration; Yes
2022/2023 Brand Expression and Identity Master Degree in Human Resources Management; Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2022/2023 New Trends in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2022/2023 Master Dissertation in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2022/2023 Master Project in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2022/2023 Business and Brand Strategy Master Degree in Human Resources Management; Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2022/2023 Blended Comunication -- Yes
2022/2023 Digital Marketing Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2022/2023 Digital and Social Media Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2022/2023 Research Seminar in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2022/2023 Marketing Post Graduation Program in Business Administration - EMBA; Post Graduation Program in Management (with specialization in Finance or Marketing); Yes
2022/2023 Marketing Management Post Graduation Program in Business Administration - Track graduates in other areas; No
2022/2023 Marketing Communications Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2022/2023 Master Dissertation in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2022/2023 Master Project in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2022/2023 Digital Marketing and E-Business Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Yes
2022/2023 Strategic Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2022/2023 Branding Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2022/2023 Marketing Management Master Degree in Business Administration; Yes
2021/2022 Brand Expression and Identity Master Degree in Human Resources Management; Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2021/2022 New Trends in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2021/2022 Business and Brand Strategy Master Degree in Human Resources Management; Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2021/2022 Blended Comunication -- Yes
2021/2022 Trends in Digital Marketing Postgraduate Seminar in Trends in Digital Marketing; Yes
2021/2022 Digital Marketing Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2021/2022 Digital and Social Media Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2021/2022 Marketing Post Graduation Program in Business Administration - EMBA; Post Graduation Program in Management (with specialization in Finance or Marketing); Yes
2021/2022 Marketing Communications Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2021/2022 Master Dissertation in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2021/2022 Digital Marketing for Executives Master Degree in Applied Management; Yes
2021/2022 Applied Luxury Management Other programme in Applied Online Pos Graduate in Management, Marketing e E-Business; Yes
2021/2022 Digital Marketing and E-Business Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Yes
2021/2022 Strategic Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2021/2022 Branding Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2021/2022 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2021/2022 Marketing Management Master Degree in Business Administration; Yes
2020/2021 New Trends in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2020/2021 Master Dissertation in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2020/2021 Master Project in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2020/2021 Trends in Digital Marketing Postgraduate Seminar in Trends in Digital Marketing; Yes
2020/2021 Digital Marketing Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2020/2021 Digital and Social Media Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2020/2021 Marketing Communications Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2020/2021 Master Dissertation in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2020/2021 Master Project in Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2020/2021 Digital Marketing for Executives Master Degree in Applied Management; Yes
2020/2021 Digital Marketing and E-Business Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Yes
2020/2021 Marketing Management Master Degree in Business Administration; Yes
2019/2020 Marketing Creativity and Innovation Postgraduate Seminar in Marketing Creativity and Innovation; No
2019/2020 Digital Marketing Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2019/2020 Digital and Social Media Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2019/2020 Marketing Strategy Analytics Post Graduation Program in Applied Data Science; Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; No
2019/2020 Consumer Behavior Analytics Post Graduation Program in Applied Data Science; Yes
2019/2020 Digital Marketing Analytics Post Graduation Program in Applied Data Science; Yes
2019/2020 Marketing Communications Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2019/2020 Digital Marketing and E-Business Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Yes
2019/2020 Marketing Management Master Degree in Business Administration; Yes
2018/2019 Marketing Communications Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2018/2019 Marketing Creativity and Innovation Postgraduate Seminar in Marketing Creativity and Innovation; No
2018/2019 Business Management Specialization Degree in Advanced Program in Management and Leadership (ECTS); Yes
2018/2019 Trends in Digital Marketing Postgraduate Seminar in Trends in Digital Marketing; Yes
2018/2019 International Marketing Post Graduation Program in Marketing Management; Yes
2018/2019 Business Management Specialization Degree in Advanced Program in Management and Leadership; Yes
2018/2019 Operational Marketing Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Bachelor Degree in Management; No
2018/2019 Digital and Social Media Marketing Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2018/2019 Marketing Management Master Degree in Business Administration; Yes
2017/2018 Marketing Communications Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2017/2018 Marketing Creativity and Innovation Postgraduate Seminar in Marketing Creativity and Innovation; No
2017/2018 Business Management Specialization Degree in Advanced Program in Management and Leadership (ECTS); Yes
2017/2018 Trends in Digital Marketing Postgraduate Seminar in Trends in Digital Marketing; Yes
2017/2018 Digital Marketing Institutional Degree in ISCTE Business School; Yes
2017/2018 Business Management Specialization Degree in Advanced Program in Management and Leadership; Yes
2017/2018 Operational Marketing Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Bachelor Degree in Management; No
2017/2018 Marketing Simulator Specialization Degree in Marketing Management; Other programme in Isoladas; Yes
2017/2018 Operational Marketing Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Bachelor Degree in Management; No
2017/2018 Marketing Management Master Degree in Business Administration; Yes
2016/2017 Marketing Communications Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2016/2017 Marketing Creativity and Innovation Postgraduate Seminar in Marketing Creativity and Innovation; No
2016/2017 Trends in Digital Marketing Postgraduate Seminar in Trends in Digital Marketing; Yes
2016/2017 Operational Marketing Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Bachelor Degree in Management; No
2016/2017 Marketing Creativity and Innovation Postgraduate Seminar in Marketing Creativity and Innovation; No
2016/2017 Marketing Management Bachelor Degree in Industrial Management and Logistics; Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Industrial Management and Engineering; Bachelor Degree in Human Resources Management; Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Bachelor Degree in Management; No
2016/2017 Operational Marketing Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Bachelor Degree in Management; No
2016/2017 Marketing Management Master Degree in Business Administration; Yes
2015/2016 Marketing Creativity and Innovation Postgraduate Seminar in Marketing Creativity and Innovation; No
2015/2016 Operational Marketing Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management; Bachelor Degree in Management; No
2015/2016 Planning and Marketing Innovation Master Degree in Management; No
2015/2016 Branding Master Degree in Marketing; Yes
2015/2016 Marketing Management Master Degree in Business Administration; Yes
Ph.D. Thesis (3)
Ongoing (3)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Status Institution Initial Year
Marcya Stefany Gonzáles Santiago The impact of new technologies on the cruise travelers experience: From digital to virtual reality and artificial intelligence English Developing ISCTE-IUL --
He Yun A Study on the Formation Mechanism of Generation Z Consumers purchase intention of China-chic Products English Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Samson Adeniyi Ajayi The effect of internet of thing in consumer engagements with retailers, service providers and brands English Developing ISCTE-IUL --
M.Sc. Dissertations (60)
Ongoing (6)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Status Institution Initial Year
Joshua Yudantio Utomo Intenção de adotar m-banking em bancos rurais English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2021
Rohan Anthony Aguiar As Barreiras à Aceitação de Vida Assistida em Portugal English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2021
Carolina Moscoso Antunes Destinos Turísticos como Marcas English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2021
Fabrizio Como A minha tese foca-se na relação entre ativismo da marca e engajamento político. Por causa da época que estamos vivendo, ou época da ?pós-verdade?, somos testemunhas da perda de confiança nas instituições. As marcas não são uma exceção já que estão tornando-se cada vez mais sentidas como politizadas. English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2020
Wen Zhiqing Marketing English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2019
Wang Zhenning Análise da satisfação dos consumidores chineses com as farmácias de varejo e seus fatores de influência English Developing ISCTE-IUL 2019
Concluded (54)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
Catarina de Sousa Pinto Rodrigues da Silva A Brand Activation that resorts to AR through gamification positively influences consumer brand engagement English ISCTE-IUL 2023 2024
Hugo Domingues Pereira From the Clinic to Social Media: Replicating the White Coat Effect in Product Endorsement Effectiveness English ISCTE-IUL 2023 2023
Joana Lopes Rodrigues Virtual Influencers: Will they ever be the same as Real Influencers? English ISCTE-IUL 2023 2023
Beatriz Salvador dos Reis Miguel Get Greenwashing out of Style: The Role of Blockchain Transparency in Uplifting Consumer Green Purchase Behaviour in the Fashion Industry English ISCTE-IUL 2023 2023
Pedro de Melo Palma Preparing a Sustainability Self-Diagnostic Tool for SMEs English ISCTE-IUL 2022 2023
Inês Raquel Brito da Silva Proposing a New Measurement Construct for Service Quality in Small Medium Sized Enterprises in the Tourism Sector English ISCTE-IUL 2022 2023
Raquel Maria Andrade Cravidão Social Media User's Personal Space and Their Attitude Towards Personalised Advertising: The Impact of Uninvited Ads English ISCTE-IUL 2022 2023
Mariana Vicente Cintra Inclusive Marketing in the Cosmetic Industry Advertising and its Impact on User Engagement and Sentiment English ISCTE-IUL 2022 2023
Rita Piçarra Cavaco Change or fail? Small business survival and digital strategies during Covid-19 pandemic English ISCTE-IUL 2022 2022
Rohan Nitis Chandulal A Perspective on Uses and Gratifications of Videocasts English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Fernanda Gu Zhoujie The effects of in-game advertising on purchase intention of digital objects English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Mariana Pimenta Brântuas The effect of food eco-labels in green behaviours: reaching sustainable consumption English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Ana Catarina Oliveira Caria Pinheiro Motivating factors behind work-related social media activities by employees: exploring the employer branding & social media relationship English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Ana Rita Monraia Quintas Fortunato Fake News on Social Media: Understanding the factors that influence the credibility of Fake News online English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Ana Sofia Martins Cambim The impact of Blockchain price transparency on consumer purchase intention towards ethical fashion consumption English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Lara Évora de Barros Factors that influence the attitude towards Video On Demand Piracy English ISCTE-IUL 2022 2022
Rohan Anthony Aguiar Proposing a Theoretical Model to Identify the Barriers and Motivational Factors that Seniors and Family Members Consider while Relocating to an Assisted Living facility in Portugal English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Carolina Moscoso Antunes Engaging with Destinations Brands on Social Media: Self and Social Motivations and The Mediating Role of Symbolic Value English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Fabrizio Como The Effect of Brand Activism and Perceived Political Orientation on Brands in the Era of Socio-Political Consumption English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2021
Martina Bisetti My Granny Said To Me: development of an online Business Plan out of a Leisure Hobby English ISCTE-IUL 2021 2021
Constança de Machado Neto e Santos Brites V as an (Ad)Vantage? Understanding the impact of FOP V-label in consumers' attitude towards vegetarian products: antecedents and mediators English ISCTE-IUL 2020 2021
Carolina Inês Almeida Aguiar The use of the augmented and virtual reality in the luxury brand management: characterization of the current efforts and proposals Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2021 2021
Ana Margarida Marcelino Oliveira Pereira Pedagogical Case of marketing strategies during Covid-19: the extraordinary case of Chanel English ISCTE-IUL 2020 2021
Maria Camila Canney Ramirez Digital transformation: Redefining Caty Cucalón's Art Business English ISCTE-IUL 2020 2021
João Maria Orterer Duarte Pinha Characterization of Competitive Strategies and Identification of Purchase Drivers in the Fuel Retail Market in Portugal English ISCTE-IUL 2020 2021
Charlotte Marie Francoise Madeline How to improve the customer experience when buying cosmetics online? English ISCTE-IUL 2020 2021
Wen Zhiqing Consumer behaviour in Mobile Social Media: A study of Chinese cosmetic buyers in WeChat English ISCTE-IUL 2019 2021
Cláudia Alexandra Vicente Branco Is digital influencers content more effective than your brands in creating online brand related content? The impact of perceptions regarding digital influencers as source of brand content on consumers purchase intention of beauty brands. English ISCTE-IUL 2020 2020
Mariana Alves Tracana Social Media Influencers and Consumers' Purchase Intentions through Branded Content: Micro vs. Macro Influencers English ISCTE-IUL 2019 2020
Anna Elisabeth Werling The Impact of Covid-19 on the German Online Home Sports Industry: An Analysis based on S-O-R and Structural Equation Modeling English ISCTE-IUL 2019 2020
Diogo Homem de Lima The Impact of Brand Coolness on Social Media Brand Engagement of Brands Moche-Yorn-WTF English ISCTE-IUL 2019 2020
Gonçalo Filipe Mendes Afonso Perceber a adoção de Smart-Speakers em Portugal: Aplicação de uma Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e uso de Tecnologia no mercado de Consumidor Português English ISCTE-IUL 2018 2019
Pedro Miguel Lopes Rondão CEO Sociability: path towards Brand Equity and Brand Relationship English ISCTE-IUL 2018 2019
Lu Manran Como os Influenciadores Afetam as Intenções de Compra para os Produtos Aprovados: O Papel dos Participantes dos Influenciadores com a Marca, Pagamento e Credibilidade English ISCTE-IUL 2018 2019
Margaux Julie Müeller An Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies on Instagram: Comparing Storytelling and Informational Creative Strategies Amongst Other Creative Tactics English ISCTE-IUL 2019 2019
Zhou Ying Social media influencers and their marketing effects on followers?An exploratory study in restaurant review microblogs English ISCTE-IUL 2018 2019
Joana Amaro Barata Social media as a communication tool for small and medium enterprises: Lessons learned on best practices for companies with limited budget English ISCTE-IUL 2018 2019
Ana Beatriz Ferreira Paula Are digital influencers ruining your business? The effects of negative word-of-mouth endorsed by digital influencers on purchase intention English ISCTE-IUL 2017 2018
Helder António Pereira Agostinho das Neves In the Eye of the (Fire)Storm: Better safe or Sorry? English ISCTE-IUL 2017 2018
André Gomes de Castro Soares How the different voices that engage in crisis communications, influence consumers negative word-of-mouth intentions and corporate reputation, during a customer complaint paracrisis occurring on Facebook English ISCTE-IUL 2017 2018
Beatriz Helena Gil Santos da Silva Effects of moment marketing and brand sponsorship in brand equity and customer engagement English ISCTE-IUL 2017 2018
Camille Girard Berthelot The Influence of User-Generated Content in the Choice of Accommodation Among Backpackers English ISCTE-IUL 2016 2017
Ana Rita Amaral Caetano Insights on the use and Consequences of User-Generated Content in the Context of Portuguese Luxury Hotels English ISCTE-IUL 2016 2017
Joana Gomes Duarte What Motivates Consumers to Contribute on Social Media? The impact of Brand Humanization, Privacy Concern and Ideal Self-Congruity English ISCTE-IUL 2016 2017
Mariana Pires do Rosário Costa The Impact of Negative Word of Mouth on Loyal Consumers in the Telecomunication Industry English ISCTE-IUL 2016 2017
Charlotte Hackenberger Sports Brand Storymaking - An investigation of the process of co-created brand storytelling in the sporting goods industry, by the case os Adidas English ISCTE-IUL 2016 2017
Tânia Raquel Oliveira Lopes The Influence of Brand Anthropomorphism in user's Online Engagement: An exploratory study in the healthy food context English ISCTE-IUL 2016 2017
Inês Maria Santos Lopes Active Engagement in the Facebook Brand Pages of Luxury Hotels English ISCTE-IUL 2016 2017
Rita Ribeiro do Nascimento Exploring Individuals Perception of Non-Sponsored Branded user Generated Content, the Affect on its use and the Outcome of Digital Engagement on Instagram English ISCTE-IUL 2016 2017
Anna-Katharina Penke Building Online Content on Offline Moments - Opportunities for Brands in Social Media English ISCTE-IUL 2016 2017
Frederik Bastian Schoop Footbaal Sponsorships English ISCTE-IUL 2015 2016
Francisca Silva Simões English ISCTE-IUL -- 2015
Mariana Freire English ISCTE-IUL -- 2015
M.Sc. Final Projects (5)
Concluded (5)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
Mariana Carvalho Frutuoso Using Search Engine Optimization to build brand awareness for an innovation at ORGANII English ISCTE-IUL 2023 2023
Sofia Guerreiro Coutinho The Impact of Sports Sponsorship on the creation of brand awareness. FedEx Express Pedagogical Case Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2021 2022
Sarah Höckner Successful B2B Lead Generation in a Conference Setting through Integrated Marketing Communications: door2door at UITP Summit 2019 English ISCTE-IUL 2018 2019
Eduardo Miguel Oliveira do Ângelo How OnePlus Overcame the Challeenges of E-Commerce in the Smartphone Industry. The strategic role of distribution and communication English ISCTE-IUL 2016 2017
João Maria Corrêa Monteiro Macieira Condeixa Grandella: O renascer de uma marca no segmento de Luxo Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2015 2016