Research Projects
Strengthening Migrant Integration through cooperation between Portugal and Cabo Verde
This action is organized around the general objective (G.O.) to strengthen the mechanisms for the integration of immigrants into Cabo Verde society, while reinforcing the contribution to the priorities defined in the cooperation framework between Portugal and Cabo Verde. This objective is achieved by carrying out several activities oriented towards practical and accurate results, based on the exchange of experiences between both countries to improve the services provided, considering the following specific objectives/outcomes: • S.O.1. – To improve instruments and operating procedures regarding immigrant integration in Cabo Verde, by implementing four local units for immigrant support, a multichannel platform to support and strengthen public services available to immigrants and developing instruments for local approaches. • S.O.2. – To develop capacity-building actions for Cabo Verdean authorities (at national and local level), civil society organizations and ACM key staff, in legal migration management and integration. • S.O.3. – To provide certified professional training of immigrants to promote their professional qualification. • S.O.4. – To produce and disseminate knowledge about migration in Cabo Verde, by developing studies, awareness-raising campaigns, and setting up a Migration Observatory in the country.
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Comparative study of public policies of the diaspora
This project has three main objectives:  - To map the public policies of the Portuguese diaspora and other countries with a significant diaspora;  - To typify the different public policies of the diaspora, i.e. their directionality (financial, ethnic, cultural, civic, political) and to define the concept and object that each country uses for its diaspora.  - To characterise and identify the main models of diaspora public policies in the different countries under analysis, identifying good practices in the different countries under study, and to make a comparison between the policies of the Portuguese state directed towards the Portuguese communities and those of the selected countries.
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Experiences and expectations of return of new Portuguese emigrants: reintegration and mobilities
From 2005 onwards, Portugal registered an intensification of emigration flows that produced important demographic, social and economic impacts in the country. With the easing of the crisis, the return to growth and new crises in the EU (Brexit, anti-immigrant movements in several countries, etc.), there is the expectation of returns movements to Portugal. These returns may contribute to the demographic and economic development of the country, due to investments that can be made and, also, due to the transfer of knowledge accumulated during migrants? residence abroad. This study aims to study the return of Portuguese emigrants, with a focus on some of the main destination countries in recent years, such as the United Kingdom, France and Luxembourg, in order to be able to take into consideration the influence of contextual differences on the decision-making process and on the effective experience of return. Complementing the project REMIGR [2014- 2016], the study will focus on the expectations and experiences of return of migrants, the role of host society integration for the decision/predisposition to return, the development of different forms of mobility between countries of origin and destination and the potential of migrants (effective or potential returnees) for the promotion of regional development in the areas of origin of emigrants, issues which have received little attention in the analysis of Portuguese emigration, despite emigration has always been accompanied by some return flows. In general terms the project studies Portuguese emigrants and returned emigrants, regardless of level of qualification, seeking to answer the following questions: a) which factors influence migrants return intentions and decisions? b) how the increasing forms of circulation allow to implement and/or delay the return projects and contribute to support the development of transnational practices between the country of destination and of origin? c) what is the potential for the mobil...
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Emigração Portuguesa. Relatório Estatístico 2014-2015
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Emigration Observatory
1. The Emigration Observatory (OEm) is an independent technical and research structure integrated in the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte) of Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon where its headquarters are located. 2. The Observatory functions on a partnership basis between the following university institutions of research: the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte) of the Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, which ensures the coordination of the partnership; the Centre for Geographical Studies (CEG) of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon (IGOT-UL); the Centre for Research in Economic and Organizational Sociology (SOCIUS/CSG), of the Institute of Economics and Management of the University of Lisbon (ISEG-UL); the Institute of Sociology (IS-UP), of the Faculty of Arts of University of Porto.  3. The Observatory was created on the basis of a protocol signed in 2008 between the Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon and the Directorate-General for Consular Affairs and Portuguese Communities (DGACCP), supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under a cooperation agreement achieved in 2016. 4. The Observatory initiated its activity on January 2009, with three main goals: collect, harmonize and analyse information on the evolution and characteristics of Portuguese emigration and Portuguese emigrated population, in particular by collecting data from the statistical institutions of the emigration destination countries; Disseminate all the compiled information, promote its availability and discussion with the general public, in particular with researchers, students, policy makers and journalists;  contribute, through its activity, for the definition and evaluation of public emigration policies based on information and knowledge about this domain of intervention.  5. The Observatory has as its main daily public interaction instrument its web page. The website is regul...
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