CV Summary

PhD in Education. Full Professor in the Department of Social Research Methods at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon. Director of the Department of Social Research Method. She teaches several courses of statistics and data analysis.

Integrated researcher of Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL). Her current interests are in the field of sociology of family and integrity and academic fraud. She as published several scientific articles, book chapters and edited books.

She was President and Vice-President of Iscte's Pedagogical Council and is currently a member of the Ethics Council.

She was Vice President of the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS) board. Currently, she is the presently the director of SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE, the APS’s electronic scientific Journal.


Recent publications 

Brandão, S.,  &  Ramos,  M.  (2023).  Teleworking  in  the  context  of  the  Covid-19  pandemic:   advantages,   disadvantages   and   influencing   factors   -   the   workers’   perspective. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 25(2), p.253-268.

Gomes, L., Martins, J., Ramos, M., & Carreiro da Costa, F. (2023). The impact that nonphysical education teachers' perceptions play on the promotion of active and healthy lifestyles: A cross-sectional qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, 2026. (Q1)

Gomes, L., Martins, J., Ramos, M., & Carreiro da Costa, F. (2023). Physical activity levels of Portuguese adolescents in the first period of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the first activities of teachers and coaches: a cross-sectional study (Niveles de actividad física de adolescentes portugueses en el primer periodo de confinamiento por la pandemia de COVID-19 y las primeras actividades de profesores y entrenadores: un estudio transversal). Retos, 47, 701–709. (Q3).

Ramos, M. & Ferreira, A.C. (2022). Marriage patterns among Portuguese-Brazilian couples: are same-sex couples different from heterosexual couples? Migraciones. (Q2).

Abrantes, P., Banha, R., Ramos, M., Aníbal, A. & Urze, P. (2022). Inserções, identidades e competências dos sociólogos em Portugal. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 100, 65-85. (Q3).

Morais, C., Ramos, M., Cardoso, A., Gonçalves, S., Ramos, R., Costa, R.P. & Gonçalves , J.P. (2022). Plágio no ensino superior. Mensurar o que os alunos fazem, sabem e julgam saber. SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE, 29, 90-108.

Mata, C., Onofre, M., Costa, J., Ramos, M., Marques, A. & Martins, J. (2021). Motivation and  Perceived Motivational Climate by Adoles-cents in Face-to-Face Physical Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability. Special Issue "Physical Activity and Sustainable Health". 13(23), 13051. (Q1).

Gaspar, S., Ramos, M. & Ferreira, A.C. (2021). Transnational divorce in binational marriages: the case of Portuguese-Brazilian and Portuguese-Cape Verdean couples. Population, Space and Place. e2435. (Q1).

Ramos, M. & Morais, C. (2021). As várias faces do plágio entre estudantes do ensino superior: um estudo de caso. Educação e Pesquisa, 47. e235184. (Q3).

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa
Portugal - Lisboa
Aggregation Sociologia 2020
Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências
Portugal - Lisbon
PhD Educação 2003
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Portugal - Lisboa
M.Sc. Sociologia 1995
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Portugal - Lisboa
Licenciate Sociology 1989
Research Interests
Binational marriages in Portugal
Same-sex marriage
Fraud and academic integrity
Sociology Social Sciences
Sociology Social Sciences
Sociology Social Sciences
Sociology Social Sciences
Sociology Social Sciences