Professional Associations
Association Period
Member of the Board of IPPS-IUL Since 2021
Member of the Spanish Social Policy Network Since 2010
Portuguese Political Science Association Since 2002
Doctor Member of Juan March Institute Since 2001
Organization/Coordination of Events
Type of Organization/Coordination Event Type Event Title Organizer Period
Member of scientific event's organizing committee Conference IIAS-EUROMENA. NEXT GENERATION GOVERNANCE AND YOUNG GLOBAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION TOR VERGATA Università Degli Studi di Roma 2022
Member of non-scientific event's organizing committee Other Type of Event IPPS Public Policies Award IPPS-IUL 2021
Member of scientific event committee Conference From Austerity to Pandemic: Portugal and Europe between Crises and Innovations. Panel Chair 4: Economic and Social Crises: Societal and Political Responses Grupo IV do CIES-Iscte – Política e Cidadania. Observatório da Democracia e da Representação Política 2021
Member of non-scientific event's organizing committee Other Type of Event IPPS-ISCTE Public Policies Award 2020 IPPS-ISCTE IUL 2020
Coordination of scientific event (with scientific committee) at ISCTE-IUL Conference "Public Administration's Mission and Goals for the Achievement of the SDGs" IASIA 2019
Member of non-scientific event's organizing committee Other Type of Event IPPS-ISCTE Public Policies Award 2019 IPPS-ISCTE-IUL 2019
Member of scientific event committee -- In Search of Efficiency? Changes and Continuities in Contemporary Public Administration Instituto de História Contemporânea 2017 - 2018
Member of scientific event committee -- ESPAnet Conference STREAM N.º 24: "The Achilles' heel of health care future" 15th Annual ESPAnet Conference 2017
Award Description Year
Research Award ISCTE 2020 2020
Scientific Editing/Reviewing Activities
Type of Activity Journal Title Journal ISSN Quartile Period Language
Member of scientific journal editing staff Journal of Asian Research 2575-1565 -- 2020 - 2021 English
Member of scientific journal editing staff Reviewer for "Social Policy and Administration" 1467-9515 Q1 2020 English
Member of scientific journal editing staff Reviewer for "BMJ Journal" 2044-6055 Q1 2020 English
Member of scientific journal editing staff Revista de Administração e Emprego Público 2183-4725 -- 2015 - 2017 Portuguese
External Professional Activities
Employer Country Description Period
Office for Strategy and Studies- Ministry of Economy and Maritime Affairs (DSAE - Economic Analysis Services Department) Portugal (Lisboa) Senior Officer on inter-career mobility Since 2023
National Institute of Administration (INA) (Installation Committee) Portugal (Lisboa) Principal Researcher Since 2021
Minister for Modernization of the State and Public Administration (Directorate-General for Administration and Public Employment) Portugal (Lisboa) Principal Researcher Since 2018
Commission for the Recruitment and Selection of Senior Positions of the Portuguese Public Administration Portugal (Lisboa) Designated Expert of the Ministry of Finance (Recruitment Commission Participation) 2013 - 2016
Ministry of Finance (DGAEP) Portugal (Lisboa) Principal Researcher 2011 - 2017
Diffusion Activities
Activity Type Event Title Activity Description Year
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event IIAS-EUROMENA Conference 2022 Chair at IIAS-EUROMENA Conference: "Next Generation Governance and young global public administration: mobilizing people, skills, energies for a sustainable new normal" 2022
Coordination of knowledge diffusion event The role of leadership in transition - "EIPA in conversation with" - 14th November 2022 Debate on the role of leadership and new forms of cooperation and collaboration to promote and manage innovations virtually, minimise fears, strengthen resilience and encourage communication. 2022
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event Master's Degree and Employment Fair organised by the Public-Private Administration Students Association of Coimbra On the 3rd May I made a presentation of ISCTE's Master in Public Administration in the event organized by the Students Group of Public-Private Administration of Coimbra's Academic Association. 2022
Coordination of knowledge diffusion event IIAS-EUROMENA Conference 2022, 27th June- 1st July, Rome Chair of Panel: "Community leadership and Public leadership" 2022
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event The Response of the Public Administration to COVID-19. Improving the Relationship with the User Webinar moderator at IPPS-ISCTE-IUL, 8 Feb. 2021 2021
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event Meeting of the National CAF Correspondents network - 21st April 2021 The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) was set up to be used in all public administration sectors and is applicable to national, regional and local public organisations. Among other objectives, the CAF aims to: (i) introduce a culture of excellence and total quality management principles into public administration organisations; (ii) act as a bridge between the various models used in quality management in the public and private sectors. 2021
Member of organizing committee of knowledge diffusion event Webinar: "Policies for young people" Moderator of the Webinars "Policies for young people", session organised by IPPS, 9 December 2021 2021
Member of organizing committee of knowledge diffusion event IASIA Conference: “Public Administration’s Missions and Goals for the Achievement of the SDGs” Organizer in the IASIA Conference 2019
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event Junior Achievement - Instituto Giner de los Rios, Lisboa Junior Achievement Portugal 2018
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event Public Administration reforms in Portugal - Study visit of a Romanian Government Delegation at the Ministry of Finance "The Achilles' Heel of Public Policies at ministerial level: Coordination": Based on the theoretical, analytical, and empirical framework, described by various scholars, this presentation aims to explore the conceptual dimension of policy instruments and strategic planning; to identify the mechanisms and institutions involved in public policies coordination at ministerial level in Portugal 2018
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event Meeting with Science and Technology in Portugal "HEALTHDOX - The Paradox of Healthcare Future" 2017