Resumo CV

I joined ISCTE in 1996 after obtaining a first degree in Business Administration. I also hold a master´s degree in Business Administration from ISCTE and a Ph.D in Organisational Psychology from Manchester Business School, England, where I was a mentor of related student-sponsor projects on the Full-Time MBA. Since 1996 I have taught statistics and data analysis using statistical software at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I have also supervised master and doctoral thesis in the fields of organizational psychology and management science. Prior to beginning my academic career, I worked for consultancy and insurance organisations in Portugal. My primary research interest encompasses cross-cultural studies, gender and diversity in organizations, and organizational behaviour. My main research focus in these areas relates to issues concerning global mobility and expatriation, migrants' skills recognition and integration into the labour market, women in management, and team performance management. A second strand of my research is concerned with (big) data analytics and text analysis using R. I have published in the area of Organisation Studies, most recently in the International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Journal of Public Administration, and International Journal of Conflict Management.

Qualificações Académicas
Universidade/Instituição Tipo Curso Período
Manchester Business School - University of Manchester
Doutoramento Business Administration 2009
ISCTE-IUL - Instituto Superior Ciências Trabalho e da Empresa
Mestrado Gestão Global 2000
ISCTE-IUL - Instituto Superior Ciências Trabalho e da Empresa
Licenciatura Organização e Gestão de Empresas 1994
Áreas de Investigação
(Big) data analytics / Text analysis using R
Gestão do desempenho da equipa
Estudos multiculturais, com ênfase na mobilidade global e expatriados
Reconhecimento das competências e integração de migrantes no Mercado de trabalho
Mulheres na gestão, trabalho e organização
Psicologia Ciências Sociais
Economia e Gestão Ciências Sociais
Sociologia Ciências Sociais