Research Projects
Barometer of People who are in a vulnerable situation – Phase IV
This research, which began in 2011, included three waves of interviews (the first in 2011, the second in 2014 and the third in 2017), making it possible to follow a panel of 47 people who were in a vulnerable situation during this period of time and produce three reports that contributed to an in-depth understanding of the social processes at play through the interpretation and (re)construction of these people's life trajectories. As in Phase III, the central objective of the Barometer in this Phase IV is based on understanding the processes that accentuate or break cycles of vulnerability, through the analysis of access and appropriation of resources made available by public policies, but also of individual resources and design capabilities of the people who make up the panel. Based on the notions of time and change, it is important to: - Describe the type of change that occurs, in whom and in what, at what time and in what context, identifying the essential aspects and the interrelationships between them; - Analyze how and why changes occur, checking how individuals position themselves in the present moment, (re)interpret their life trajectory and project their future, and which individual and social resources are mobilized in the face of the opportunities available to them offered/denied; - Interpret the nature and meaning of these changes.
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LXHABIDATA – Vulnerable populations
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Barometer of People in a Vulnerable Situation - Phase III
A team has been conducting, since 2011, a longitudinal study, with a qualitative approach – Barometer of People in a Vulnerable Situation – within the framework of the Fight Against Poverty in the City of Lisbon Observatory, promoted by EAPNPortugal. With three sets of interviews it was possible to follow up on the same group of people in a vulnerable situation through time, meeting the research goals, specifically: detecting vulnerability processes concerning different poverty profiles and their repercussions in the life path; analysing individual resources and activation provisions aimed to building economic and living autonomy; and evaluating the impact of socioeconomic, political and institutional dimensions underlying resource production and the opportunities granted to subjects. Interviewee selection criteria were based on two axes: vulnerability profiles that other studies had shown to predominate in the city of Lisbon with a view of grasping the diversity of situations and evaluating the impact of social policies in terms of vulnerability situations characteristics; and the territorial axis, where two areas in Lisbon were identified due to the higher socioeconomic indexes and differing in terms of youth/aging index and type of housing. Given these three axes, a profile distribution was obtained as follows: poor, unemployed workers; female informal caregivers; elders in a vulnerable condition, unable to work due to illness and unaffiliated.
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Estudo sobre os Impactos do Voluntariado da SCML
Project goals were to analyze: 1) the regulatory framework of Volunteerism in SCML (assumptions, principles, objectives, expectations; 2) the degree of implementation of the principles and objectives underlying the implementation of the Voluntary Service in SCML (strengths and weaknesses, difficulties and obstacles, articulation with other internal services, 'good practices', innovation factors; 3.) the organizational and procedural models adopted (factors of effectiveness and efficiency, degree of satisfaction; 4) the results and actual Impacts of the Volunteer Service in the different areas of SCML intervention (results, degrees of satisfaction, confrontation with initial expectations; 5) to produce Strategic Recommendations. Methodology was based on a quantitative approach, which will make it possible to characterize motivations, satisfaction levels, constraints, expectations, perception of results and impacts, etc., of the various stakeholders within the scope of the project (Beneficiaries, Volunteers and the Services of SCML itself). Also, there was an approach of a qualitative nature, by means of which the knowledge relating to each of the dimensions of analysis is comprehensively explored. In this case, in addition to the framework of the Beneficiaries, Volunteers and Services of the SCML, a phase is also proposed to collect information with the beneficiaries' families.
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Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining in Indonesia, Jordan and Malawi
Within the framework of the ILO-Swedish project on freedom of association and collective bargaining (GL0/09/60/SID), for the International Labour Organization and under the supervision of the Senior Project Officer, Pierre Guibentif, DINÂMIA’CET-IUL will undertake in-depth analyses of the data gathered during diagnostic missions to Indonesia, Jordan and Malawi (to be provided by the project team) by undertaking the following specific tasks: - Undertake a descriptive analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data gathered in the field during the diagnostic mission to Indonesia; - Undertake a descriptive analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data gathered in the field during the diagnostic mission to Jordan; - Undertake a descriptive analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data gathered in the field during the diagnostic mission to Malawi.
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Barometer of People in a Vulnerable Situation - Phase II
A team has been conducting, since 2011, a longitudinal study, with a qualitative approach – Barometer of People in a Vulnerable Situation – within the framework of the Fight Against Poverty in the City of Lisbon Observatory, promoted by EAPNPortugal. With three sets of interviews it was possible to follow up on the same group of people in a vulnerable situation through time, meeting the research goals, specifically: detecting vulnerability processes concerning different poverty profiles and their repercussions in the life path; analysing individual resources and activation provisions aimed to building economic and living autonomy; and evaluating the impact of socioeconomic, political and institutional dimensions underlying resource production and the opportunities granted to subjects. Interviewee selection criteria were based on two axes: vulnerability profiles that other studies had shown to predominate in the city of Lisbon with a view of grasping the diversity of situations and evaluating the impact of social policies in terms of vulnerability situations characteristics; and the territorial axis, where two areas in Lisbon were identified due to the higher socioeconomic indexes and differing in terms of youth/aging index and type of housing. Given these three axes, a profile distribution was obtained as follows: poor, unemployed workers; female informal caregivers; elders in a vulnerable condition, unable to work due to illness and unaffiliated.
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Avaliação externa da execução técnica dos projecto financiados pelo Programa Escolhas 4ª geração
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Impactos dos Acordos de inserção no Desempenho do RSI (entre 2006-2009)
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Statistical analysis of databases under the Étude de préparation d’une Opération de réhabilitation urbaine en la Médina de Meknès
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