Current challenges at international level, such as climate change, environmental degradation, rising unemployment rates, have shown the urgent need to adopt more sustainable approaches in our lifestyles and productive systems. Yet, a real transition to a culture of sustainability can only take place if people are equipped with proper skills and encouraged to come up with innovative entrepreneurial initiatives. Within this context, Ecoprise intends to promote a new entrepreneurial model and skillset for a new professional figure, the Ecoprise Designer, able to contribute to local regenerative development, promoting a harmonious coexistence between human life and nature within enterprises. To this aim, the project will create a multi-sectoral alliance bringing together Higher Education Institutions, VET providers, enterprises and non-profit associations to develop a multi-disciplinary course on Ecopreneurship, i.e. future-oriented social entrepreneurship through ecovillage design, inspired by the 4 dimensions of sustainability, and recognised through micro-credentials and through a European certification. The international pilot-testing of the newly-created course and its impact analysis will ensure its efficacy and transferability, while fostering new professional interactions. Additional opportunities for peer-learning and exchange of knowledge will be offered throughout the project, in order to stimulate people’s willingnessto take action for a real change in lifestyles and production systems. The participatory and collaborative approach at the basis of the project will contribute to its long-term sustainability, supported by the use of different communication channels, reaching out to a multi-sectoral community at local and international level. Tailored actions are envisaged forstakeholders’ engagement and exploitation of results, including the creation of local incubators, formed by learners completing Ecoprise course, acting as project ambassadors.
Centro de Investigação | Grupo de Investigação | Papel no Projeto | Data de Início | Data de Fim |
CEI-Iscte | Sociedades Sustentáveis | Parceiro | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
Instituição | País | Papel no Projeto | Data de Início | Data de Fim |
Centro Europeu de Estudos e Iniciativas (CESIE) | Itália | Líder | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
Eurotraining (Eurotraining) | Grécia | Parceiro | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
GEN Europa Rede de Aldeias Globais (GEN Europe) | Dinamarca | Parceiro | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
Universidade de Novi Sad (University of Novi Sad) | Sérvia | Parceiro | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
The Critical Research&Design (The Critical) | Lituânia | Parceiro | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
LAND - Acções de aprendizagem para o desenvolvimento natural (LAND) | Itália | Parceiro | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
ReadLab Bruxelas (ReadLab Brussels) | Bélgica | Parceiro | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
CSI - Centro para a Inovação Social (CSI) | Chipre | Parceiro | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
GrantXpert (GrantXpert) | Chipre | Consultor | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
ECQA - European Certification & Qualification Association (ECQA) | Áustria | Parceiro | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
Nome | Afiliação | Papel no Projeto | Data de Início | Data de Fim |
Ana Esteves | Investigadora Integrada (CEI-Iscte); | Investigadora | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
Amandine Gameiro | Bolseira de Doutoramento (CEI-Iscte); | Assistente de Investigação | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
Código/Referência | DOI do Financiamento | Tipo de Financiamento | Programa de Financiamento | Valor Financiado (Global) | Valor Financiado (Local) | Data de Início | Data de Fim |
101140200 | -- | Contrato | European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) - -- | 1.470.164,00€ | 149.561,00€ | 2024-02-01 | 2027-01-31 |
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