Lista de Publicações

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Ano Tipo de publicação Autores Título Publicada em... Citações Web of Science® Citações Scopus
N/A Artigo em revista científica Agostinho, M.; Dias, Á.; Pereira, L.; Tourism direct GDP: Configuration of antecedents and tourism future performance in high-income countries Journal of Tourism Futures 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Ferreira-Lopes, A.; Ribeiro, G.; Martins, L.F.; A New Player in the International Bond Market: Comparing the Macroeconomic Determinants of Foreign-Currency Denominated Debt Before the Inclusion of the Renminbi in the SDR Emerging Markets Finance and Trade -- --
N/A Capítulo de livro Neves, D. M.; 'To change the world, we must first change the way the babies are being born': Childbirth Activism in Europe Childbirth Conception -- 0
N/A Publicação em atas de evento científico Miguel, L.; Marques, S.; Exploring purchase behavior of country of origin labelled products using the theory of planned behavior: testing the moderating effect of product category EIRASS-Recent Advances in retailing and consumer services -- --
N/A Publicação em atas de evento científico Lopes, Isabel Cristina; Rodrigues, Ana Maria; Ozturk, Elif Goksu; Ferreira, José Soeiro; Nunes, Ana Catarina; Pedro Rocha; Oliveira, Cristina Teles; Parcel Delivery Services: A Sectorization Approach with Simulation Operational Research. APDIO 2022. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 0 0
N/A Working paper Barros, J.; Turner, C.; Network Algorithm to Model Automotive Supply Chain Structure Network Algorithm to Model Automotive Supply Chain Structure -- --
N/A Working paper Pereira da Silva, N.; Eloy, S.; Resende, R.; Robotic Construction Analysis: Human-Machine Simulation in Augmented Reality Robotic Construction Analysis: Human-Machine Simulation in Augmented Reality -- --
N/A Artigo de revisão Costa, P.; Rodrigues, H.; The ever-changing business of e-commerce-net benefits while designing a new platform for small companies Review of Managerial Science 4 5
N/A Artigo de revisão Omran, W.; Ramos, R. F.; Casais, B.; Virtual reality and augmented reality applications and their effect on tourist engagement: A hybrid review Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 7 6
N/A Artigo não publicado nas atas da conferência Lyrio, B.; Simbolismo e identidade: os bares de Ipanema e seus boêmios - a produção cultural do bairro carioca na segunda metade do século XX V SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL METRÓPOLE -- --