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Ano Tipo de publicação Autores Título Publicada em... Citações Web of Science® Citações Scopus
N/A Artigo em revista científica Rodrigues, D. L.; Carvalho, A. C.; Balzarini, R. N.; de Visser, R. O.; Garrido, M. V.; Prada, M.; Lopes, D.; Safety and pleasure motives determine perceived risks and rewards in casual sex Sexuality and Culture 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Santinho, C.; Rebelo, D.; Integrating refugees and migrants into higher education in Portugal? An action research experience in a Portuguese university Etnográfica -- --
N/A Artigo em revista científica Borges, M. F. R.; Azevedo, G. M. do C.; Oliveira, J.; Literature review on gender diversity in top management teams of companies and its relationship with firm performance and audit quality International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Azevedo, R. F. L.; Lourenço, I.; Oliveira, J.; Castelo Branco, M.; A decade of international diversity in collaborative research published in highly ranked accounting journals Journal of Applied Accounting Research 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Borges, V.; The first national survey on cultural participation in Portugal: Exploring social and professional backgrounds Cultural Trends 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Junça Silva, A.; Caetano, A.; How was your day? A within-person analysis of how mental health may moderate the route from daily micro-events to satisfaction after work via affect and contextual performance International Journal of Psychology -- 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica António, R.; Guerra, R.; Moleiro, C.; The benefits of common inclusive identities for adolescent bystanders’ intentions to help homophobic bullying victims Social Psychology of Education 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Abrantes, A. C. M.; Bakenhus, M.; Ferreira, A. I.; The support of internal communication during organizational change processes Journal of Organizational Change Management 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Marcus, J.; Scheibe, S.; Kooij, D.; Truxillo, D. M.; Zaniboni, S.; Abuladze, L.; Al Mursi, N.; Bamberger, P. A.; et al. LeverAge: A European network to leverage the multi-age workforce Work, Aging and Retirement -- --
N/A Artigo em revista científica Lopes, N.; Tavares, D.; Pegado, E.; Raposo, H.; Rodrigues, C.; Medication use for the management of professional performance: Between invisibility and social normalisation Health Sociology Review 0 0