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Ano Tipo de publicação Autores Título Publicada em... Citações Web of Science® Citações Scopus
N/A Artigo em revista científica Moriconi, M.; Peris, C. A.; Cultivating cannabis in a Paraguayan nature reserve: Incentives and moral justification for breaking the law Trends in Organized Crime 5 3
N/A Artigo em revista científica Guimarães, G.; Missionary populism against nativist populism: The debate between Olavo de Carvalho and Alexander Dugin Journal of Political Ideologies 1 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Lemos, S.; Ferreira, F.; Zopounidis, C.; Galariotis, E.; Ferreira, N.; Artificial intelligence and change management in small and medium-sized enterprises: An analysis of dynamics within adaptation initiatives Annals of Operations Research 10 20
N/A Artigo em revista científica Rudnev, M.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Revisiting Cowgill's modernisation theory: Perceived social status of older adults across 58 countries Ageing and Society 3 --
N/A Artigo em revista científica Talafidaryani, M.; Jalali, S. M.; Moro, S.; Tracing the evolution of digitalisation research in business and management fields: Bibliometric analysis, topic modelling and deep learning trend forecasting Journal of Information Science 1 6
N/A Artigo em revista científica Muneeb, F.; Ramos, R. F.; Wanke, P.; Lashari, F.; Sustainable strategies for hyper-local restaurants: A multi-criteria decision-making approach FIIB Business Review 3 4
N/A Artigo em revista científica Martins, L. F.; Gabriel, V. J.; GMM model averaging using higher order approximations Econometrics and Statistics -- 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Wang, X.; Ferreira, F.; Yan, P.; A multi-objective optimization approach for integrated risk-based internal audit planning Annals of Operations Research 6 5
N/A Artigo em revista científica Junça Silva, A.; Vilela, C.; The black unicorn effect: Daily-micro events and satisfaction decrease COVID-19 xenophobia, but only for those with low levels of neuroticism Psychological Reports 3 4
N/A Artigo em revista científica Rego, J.; Bluhm, D. J.; Valverde, C.; Cunha, M. P.; Are gritty leaders happier or unhappier? It depends on how prudent they are Group and Organization Management 2 3