Research Projects
Implementação e resultados dos Planos de Ação para o Desenvolvimento Digital das Escolas
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(In)equalities in the school paths of descendants of immigrants
Every year, the Ministry of Education's DGEEC systematises school attendance and results obtained by students in primary and secondary education according to their nationality and it is possible to know that school performance (measured by transition rates and by referral to non-regular education routes) varies considerably according to the nationality in question. It is not possible to know the impact on these results of a set of variables which predict them, such as the socio-educational conditions of the parents, the gender of the pupil or the socio-ethnic composition of the school and the class attended. Are the effects similar for all national origins? Which variables are more decisive in the achievement of students with a migrant background?It was possible to establish a protocol between CIES-Iscte and DGEEC/MEC that makes it possible to regularly (annually) provide statistical information collected by MEC regarding students from immigrant backgrounds in the form of micro data. Using this information, we intend to answer the questions raised, drawing a portrait of the schooling of these children and young people throughout the present decade in our country. The project is supported by the Observatory of Inequalities.
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Brazilians in the Portuguese school: experiences and paths
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The difference that school can make: school success in the municipality of Almada (4th and 6th year)
This project had the following research objectives: (i) to evaluate the evolution of the results obtained by the schools of the municipality of Almada, in relation to the students of the 4th and 6th year of schooling, over 5    years (from 2019/10 to 2014 / 15) in national tests (exams); (ii) to know the municipal schools that stand out for the potential they show in producing educational value, that is, which ones can, with socially similar school populations, get their students to obtain better results in the national tests and (iii) identify the organizational variables that will support this good performance of the schools in question. A multi-method methodology was used, combining an extensive approach with an intensive one. The first was based on the analysis of two databases provided by the General Directorate of Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) for the academic years 2009/10 and 2014/15, the 4th and 6th year of schooling, and the second one based on four case studies (two comparative case studies, one per schooling cycle).
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Internationalization and development of the area of Public Education Policies
The general objective of the project is to develop advanced research and to strengthen and expand education provisioning in the area of educational public policies and school administration.
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Sleep and School Performance
The main objective of the research is to analyze the relationship between the duration and quality of sleep children / youth and their school performance. To this end, controls the effect of other variables that have been shown to produce significant effect on educational outcomes: the social condition of the family, the latter's interest in education, the relationship of the student with learning, the reaction of teachers face the difficulties of students and the profile of the class attended.The methodology consists of applying a questionnaire to students in compulsory education (3rd to 9th grade) of a region of Lisbon. Sampling is intentional: are selected classes, diversifying the years of schooling and the social and academic profile of students of the same. Statistical analysis of the information will be held with the support of SPSS software.
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TEIP 3, Ministerial Programme to Support Priority Educational Territories
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Caminhos escolares de jovens africanos (PALOP) que acedem ao ensino superior
Principais objetivos da pesquisa: i) identificar a variação na presença (relativa) dos jovens estudantes no ensino superior português com origem nos PALOP (2001-2011); ii) comparar as probabilidades de um jovem com origem nos PALOP aceder ao ensino superior com as de um jovem autóctone na mesma condição social; iii) conhecer os trajetos de vida do “segmento” específico de jovens específicos com origem nos PALOP que, revelando desvantagens socioeconómicas de partida, acedem ao ensino superior, concretizando um percurso escolar de “contratendência” e iv) produzir recomendações para a promoção do acesso e sucesso escolar no ensino superior, mas também para a monitorização dessa realidade.     A pesquisa desenvolveu-se com recurso a uma abordagem multi-método. Numa vertente extensiva, contemplou a análise de diferentes fontes secundárias de dados estatísticos e na vertente intensiva, realizaram-se entrevistas biográficas a 17 jovens que, pertencentes a um “segmento” específico dos imigrantes e descendentes de imigrantes dos PALOP com condições socioeconómicas adversas de partida, realizaram trajetos de escolarização “bem-sucedidos” e ingressaram no ensino superior.
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Sucess at School
  The main aim of the Success at School through Volunteering - SAS project is to expose youngsters affected by early school leaving and living in difficult areas to a pedagogical approach through a training course meant to valorize a voluntary involvement in identifying the relevant skills and competences acquired through volunteering. As a direct result of the training proposed to youngsters they will be able to express their voluntary experience in terms of learning outcomes and so prepare to return to school. This training course will be supported by pedagogical mentoring in order for professionals working with youngsters (teachers, youth workers) to identify and value the skills and competences that will be necessary for them to value the non formal and informal learning acquired though volunteering and find a way back to school.
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Observatório das Desigualdades
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