Projetos de Investigação
Iberian Digital Media Observatory
The Iberian Digital Media Observatory (IBERIFIER Plus) aims to expand the ongoing activities of IBERIFIER (,the Iberian hub established in 2021 dedicated to researching and combating disinformation in Spain and Portugal. Composed of ahighly experienced and qualified consortium of 25 partners and 1 associate partner, the new hub plans to engage in fact-checking inthree languages (Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan) while exploring artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for early disinformationdetection. It will also analyse the impacts of disinformation, particularly in the digital media ecosystem, and promote media literacy.Thus, IBERIFIER Plus covers all the key objectives of the Call, including actively engaging with EDMO, fact-checking harmfuldisinformation, conducting research on disinformation's impact on society, supporting media literacy campaigns, monitoring onlineplatform policies, and enhancing communication efforts. Aligned with the Call's focus on linguistic areas, IBERIFIER Plus' unique aspectis its ambition to expand its activities beyond Spain and Portugal, influencing the Ibero-American region, Africa, and Asia, where Spanishand Portuguese are spoken by over 800 million native speakers. Regarding impact, IBERIFIER Plus plans to employ dissemination,exploitation, and engagement strategies to ensure the effective sharing, application, and engagement of multiple stakeholders with itsresearch outcomes. Overall, IBERIFIER Plus aims to contribute to the Digital Europe Programme's objectives and EDMO strategy byaddressing disinformation challenges in Spain and Portugal, and expanding its reach beyond these two countries.
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Iberian Digital Media Research and Fact-Checking Hub
IBERIFIER is an Iberian hub that aims to tackle disinformation in Spain and Portugal by bringing together aconsortium of 23 partners, composed of 12 universities, 5 independent fact-checking organisations and publicly-owned news agencies, and 6 leading institutions on strategic analysis, computer and data science, and mediaresearch. With the support of public authorities of both countries, relevant media organisations, several scientific andprofessional associations, as well as some other stakeholders, the activities of this Action comprise: (1) scientificresearch and analysis for the security and development of the Iberian digital media ecosystem; (2) fact-checking inthree languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan); (3) computer and data research aimed at developing systemsfor early detection of disinformation; (4) strategic analyses about the impacts of disinformation on areas such aspolitics, economy, social and security issues, science and technology, and the media industry; and (5) developmentof media literacy, through a set of activities targeted mainly to young people, journalists and citizens in general.Although the consortium focuses its activities on Spain and Portugal, its impacts are expected to reach far beyondthese two countries, thus contributing to the overall strategy and goals of the European Digital Media Observatory.Thanks to the international dimension of some of the consortium partners, as well as the set of scientific,communication and dissemination activities planned, IBERIFIER aims to have impact in the socio-cultural andlinguistic area that comprises all the Iberian-American region as well as some other countries in Africa and Asia,where Spanish and Portuguese languages are spoken by more than 600 million people, spread over 21 Spanish-speaking and 9 Portuguese-speaking countries.
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European Media Platforms: Assessing Positive and Negative Externalities for European Culture
The EUMEPLAT project aims at analyzing the role of media platforms in fostering or dismantling European identity. The assumption we will draw on is that European dimension has rarely been dominant in media history. In most cases – i.e., movie – market shares are mainly divided among national productions and importations from the most influential country. In broadcasting both regional and national patterns emerge, with properly European exchanges being the exception more than the rule. Web platforms are usually owned by US companies, with a new threat appearing in our media landscape. We will focus on the “platformization” process, as the rise of new closed Web architectures, so as to inquire its positive and negative externalities, functional and dis-functional consequences. Positive externalities are beneficial to society at large, in a way that explains the overall ambition of the project. Detecting the insurgence of negative effects is a fundamental duty for scholars and policy-makers, as externalities of both kinds tend to reinforce themselves, giving rise to positive loop feedbacks and critical vicious circles. Negative externalities include misinformation, toxic debate, exclusion of independent voices; positive externalities encompass European co-productions, or practices able to bring people out of the information bubble. For this purpose, we will run a multidisciplinary analysis of platformization in three fields: news, video sharing, media representations, with the final goal to offer a theoretical synthesis. The research question is whether or not new platforms – YouTube, Netflix, NewsFeed - are making European culture more European, based on indicators related to production, consumption and representation. Patterns will be detected by comparing national, regional and European and level. Advanced methods will be applied for data analysis, so as to provide guidelines for decision-makers (i.e., fake news prevention; best practices in co-productions).
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New teaching fields for the next generation of journalists
The project is the extension of the Erasmus+ KA2 project NEWSREEL - New Skills for the Next Generation of Journalists. The primary goal of NEWSREEL2 - New Teaching Fields for the Next Generation of Journalists is to improve such skills of a new generation of European journalists that are connected to the use of digital communication opportunities in a creative and responsible way for enhancing social benefits of the digital era. Creative and responsible use of digital tools is an indispensable ability of journalists. They should remain reliable and trustworthy sources of news in the digital noise to counterpoint the unverified information that affects the raw emotions and temper of the audience. To achieve these objectives, in the framework of NEWSREEL2, we will develop innovative teaching methods and materials for media and journalism students on the fields of:Storytelling in social media in order to students learn how to present journalistic contents on social media networks;Graphic journalism to get to know the basic tools and subgenres of comics journalism;Improving democratic sensibility to be aware their social role and responsibility in a democratic society of the digital age;Covering migration to improve their research and reporting skills, and understanding migration in a global context;Foreign coverage to be able to contribute to a more balanced coverage of international topics;Journalism for voice-activated assistants and devices to learn how to use them and see the potential that they can bring to newsrooms;AI and journalism, robot journalism and algorithms to know how it can be used, and see clearly its potential and threats;Verifying and analysing fake news to be able to identify information and opinion going viral and to verify information with the help of suitable tools and softwares;Debunking disinformation to get solid knowledge regarding the mechanisms used for debunking fake news and disinformation.
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Covid Check
O projeto Covid Check pretende ajudar a otimizar a comunicação oficial e a esclarecer as principais questões dos portugueses sobre a pandemia, através da criação de uma rede pública de conhecimento que estará disponível através de um website específico. Desta forma pode contribuir para a otimização dos resultados efetivos de protocolos de comunicação entre as entidades da saúde (Ministério da Saúde, DGS, SNS24, etc.) e os seus stakeholders, a nível interno, e jornalistas e cidadãos, a nível externo. São resultados esperados: a promoção de mensagens eficazes e claras junto da população; contribuir para a identificação de desinformação que possa ser prejudicial para a saúde pública; fomentar na sociedade a procura por fontes fidedignas. Para isso acontecer: as entidades devem melhorar a sua comunicação com base nos resultados da investigação; os meios de comunicação criar mensagens mais focadas; os cidadãos interiorizar as práticas e comportamentos desejados para a resolução da pandemia. O projeto faz parte da investigação sobre desinformação em curso no MediaLab_Iscte
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Monitorização de propaganda e desinformação nas redes sociais
O principal foco do projeto é monitorizar as atividades de propaganda e desinformação nas redes sociais online com objetivos de mobilização, polarização e destabilização política em Portugal, independentemente da origem dessas atividades. Ao longo do período do projeto, que corresponde a um momento de grande atividade política em Portugal, marcada por três eleições (Europeias, Regionais – Madeira e Legislativas) procura identificar-se e analisar-se os movimentos organizados, de origem partidária ou não, de propaganda e desinformação com objetivos de influenciar a participação informada dos cidadãos nos atos eleitorais. Serão utilizadas metodologias e ferramentas de análise de redes sociais (i.e. Crimson Hexagon, Netvizz, Google Trends, etc.) que permitam identificar, de forma transversal e longitudinal, as mensagens e redes de difusão de informação com objetivos maliciosos e os seus relacionamentos internacionais, com especial atenção para as relações entre movimentos populistas e a sua partilha de mensagens de desinformação (“fake news”). O objetivo final é identificar mensagens, protagonistas e canais de desinformação que procuram influenciar o discurso político através das principais redes sociais online públicas (Facebook, Twitter e Youtube) e de plataformas de mensagens instantâneas (WhatsApp). O projeto pretende também contribuir para o alerta e prevenção da disseminação de propaganda maliciosa, colaborando com projetos jornalísticos para desenvolver e disseminar os resultados da investigação. Relativamente ao WhatsApp, como envolve a integração de grupos de acesso público via link de acesso, prevê-se replicar a metodologia usada por Resende et al (2019) que se debruçou sobre o mesmo fenómeno nas eleições brasileiras. A anonimização dos dados pessoais dos participantes dos grupos (número de telefone, foto e outra informação associada ao perfil) será feita no processo de recolha, não integrando portanto a análise dos resultados. Esta anonimização dos dados...
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The European MediaCoach Initiative
The main focus of the European Media Coach project is the improvement of media literacy levels among young people through the development of large pool of media literate professionals working with youth in schools, youth centers and in non-formal contexts like libraries and museums. Instead of attempting the development of a pilot experimentation project, the European Media Coach project proposes the scaling up of a recognized and proven innovation in the field of media literacy. more specifically, the European Media Coach project aims at the replication of a practice in the field of media literacy that has demonstrable results with qualitative and quantitative evidence of impact; that of the Dutch national media coach program. Number of years the Dutch media coach training initiative has successfully achieved the goal of improving media literacy among children, young people and parents by training youth professionals, notably, teachers, librarians, youth workers, government officials and other societal professionals and by giving them the opportunity to study the possibilities and challenges of these new media and new literacies.
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New skills for the next generation of journalists
Ao promover a melhoria das competências de uma nova geração de jornalistas europeus, o NEWSREEL pretende contribuir para o reforço de uma esfera pública comum na Europa através da promoção de projetos de jornalismo colaborativos e transnacionais, que sejam capazes de tornar tangíveis e inteligíveis as grandes quantidades de dados disponíveis, e que se baseiem em estratégias comerciais sustentáveis e em sólidas fundações éticas e deontológicas. O projeto irá focar-se em 4 campos profissionais: O jornalismo apoiado por computador (jornalismos de dados) e visualização de dados; Novas estratégias de negócio e novos modelos de jornalismo; Jornalismo colaborativo; e Desafios éticos derivados da esfera pública digital.
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World News Publishers Anual Outlook
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Inquérito às Condições Laborais dos Jornalistas em Portugal
O presente inquérito é desenvolvido por uma equipa do CIES-IUL (ISCTE- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa) em parceria com o Sindicato dos Jornalistas. O inquérito é dirigido a todos os jornalistas a desenvolver o seu trabalho em Portugal.O principal objetivo do inquérito é o de analisar as condições laborais atuais dos jornalistas portugueses, conhecer a diversidade de percursos e perfis jornalísticos e identificar os principais constrangimentos e desafios que se colocam ao exercício da profissão de jornalista hoje.
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Observatório Europeu de Jornalismo
O Observatório Europeu de Jornalismo (EJO) foi concebido para construir pontes que liguem culturas de jornalismo em toda a Europa e nos EUA, facilitando a colaboração entre investigadores da área dos média e profissionais. Tornar os resultados das pesquisas na área dos média acessíveis a maiores audiências, estudando as “melhores práticas” em jornalismo e analisando tendências da indústria dos media, é um dos grandes objetivos do Observatório Europeu de Jornalismo, que também procura contribui para a melhoria da qualidade do jornalismo, para uma melhor compreensão dos meios de comunicação e para a liberdade de imprensa. O trabalho do EJO atende às necessidades de jornalistas e gestores dos média ao mesmo tempo, funcionando como um recurso para os interessados nos desenvolvimentos na área dos média, de forma a reduzir o fosso entre mundo académico e o profissional dos média.
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Business Development Laboratory Study Module for Creative Industries
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