The Future of Human Workforce: Embracing Change, Challenges, and Opportunities
The project proposal focuses on the future development of the human workforce, with the aim of exploring critical aspects related to its future development.
The technological advances have significantly reshaped industries and lead to the emergence of novel job roles and unimagined employment opportunities that were just until recently unimaginable. The anticipated changes in the labour force will therefore require a corresponding change in the skills, competencies, and capacities of people actively participating in the labour market. In addition, it is critical to address the compelling task of reshaping workplace dynamics and prioritizing workforce well-being, as this aspect becomes increasingly important, especially in the face of labour shortages. By taking a comprehensive view of these interrelated aspects, it becomes imperative to address all of the above elements in order to maintain global competitiveness of European countries in an ever-evolving world and contribute to the necessary transformation of the labour market. The project will engage stakeholders in meaningful discussions about future workforce development, the project enables their participation in the policy-making process, which allows for an exchange of views and the co-creation of Europe's future through their valuable contributions. The project will also strengthen participants' awareness of their rights and knowledge of EU policies by examining and sharing lessons learned and best practices related to labour market challenges.
In sum, this project seeks to contribute to empower individuals with relevant skills and knowledge, and foster an environment that encourages sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work future for all.
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- BRU-Iscte (OB&HR)
- UCLL - Líder (Bélgica)
- FFI - (Polónia)
- IH - (Grécia)
- IRES FVG - (Itália)
- CRN - (Alemanha)
- Well-being Lab - (Suécia)
- NCPE - (Malta)
O papel da inspeção do trabalho e dos serviços de prevenção no apoio ao cumprimento das exigências de SST em Portugal
Participação com a Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto com o projeto “O papel da inspeção do trabalho e dos serviços de prevenção no apoio ao cumprimento das exigências de SST em Portugal”, coordenado pela Professora Doutora Liliana Cunha da FPCEUP conforme objetivos, metodologia e calendário propostos no Contrato outorgado junto da European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, sob a referência OSHA/DC/8534.
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
O Ato Ciensível
O Ato Ciênsivel” é um projeto que visa a criação de uma obra instalativa multi sensorial em colaboração com pessoas seniores a partir das memórias, da valorização da experiência de vida e da descoberta de novas sensibilidades. A obra será desenvolvida a partir de um processo criativo a realizar num lar de idosos com a duração de 2 meses constituído por 7 oficinas de criação e expressão artística. O processo será filmado, a obra exposta e uma conferência encerrará o projeto.
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
MINDLIVEN - Mindfulness-in-Nature Based Training through Virtual Environments
Over the last decades, social and emotional learning (SEL) has been increasingly acknowledged to impact on competency areas such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships skills, and responsible decision-making. Mindfulness training is a multimodal intervention informed by the principles of positive psychology, with a central focus on skills that enable more effective coping and stress reduction. The application of mindfulness-based practices (MBP) has been strengthened by the results of evaluation studies that typically report on the positive effectiveness of MBP in terms of SEL. In parallel, research results show that exposure to natural environments arouses positive emotions and stress recovery, and improves compliance to mindfulness training, making it more effective. As such, the role of nature in the workplace is receiving increased attention, and existing theory and research suggest that nature contact can be considered as a workplace strategy for reducing stress, while at the same time enhancing performance and overall well-being. Therefore, Mindfulness-in Nature-based practices (MiNBP) joins together the healing effect of nature and the distressful effect of MBP, with greater benefits. It is therefore essential for company’s managers to understand how MiNBP has the potential to benefit their staff towards a systematic approach to SEL, in particular when considering the perspective of the five-competency-area framework.
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- BRU-Iscte (OB&HR)
- Universita degli Studi di Verona - Líder (Itália)
- Fundacja “Malopolska Izba Samorzadowa” - (Polónia)
- USE - (Espanha)
- Virtual Campus Lda - (Portugal)
- Creative Thinking Development - (Grécia)
- Unione Territoriale Sindacale CISL Vicenza - (Grécia)