Research Projects
EduCation on Antimicrobial REsistance for the health workforce
AMR-EDUCare, EduCation on Antimicrobial REsistance for the health workforce, targets the prevention and reduction of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)’s health burden by filling educational gaps on AMR for both clinical and non-clinical health workforce. Southern and Eastern European countries, where the incidence of AMR is highest, are also those where there is a particular deficit in training on AMR prevention. For this reason, the project will target countries in these geographical areas. Through a nimble and relevant educational programme targeting four audiences - doctors, nurses, community pharmacists and health management professionals - the project will equip the health workforce with the necessary knowledge and skills to address AMR in the areas of prescription, waste management and patient empowerment. The training modules developed and delivered will adopt a strong focus on behavioural change and digital health skills for a more resilient and sustainable healthcare sector that improves the patient experience and delivers better health outcomes.
Nepalese Education in E-health - Master
Nepalese Education in E-health - Master (NEEM) targets the shortage of specialists in health information systems in Nepal through establishing two master programmes at Kathmandu University and Pokhara University. Each programme will admit 10 students the first year and expand to 20 over a two years period. The programmes will include a lab where research students will collaborate with the Ministry of Health and other Nepalese organisations on health information systems in Nepal and which be developed into a model for the Provincial Health Information Hubs envisaged by the MoH. The labs will also be used for in-service training of health personnel. The European partners University of Oslo (UiO) and The University Institute of Lisbon have long experience in working with partners in LMICs and Europe on eHealth. The University of Oslo is also involved in projects for course development with partners in India and Africa, and course material developed in these projects will be used as a basis and adapted for Kathmandu and Pokhara universities. Eight lecturers from the Nepalese partners will be funded by the project for PhD education; one at UiO and seven at Indian universities which UiO collaborates with in academic projects in the health information systems area. Eight master students will do exchange visits between Nepal and Europe, and scholarships will be awarded to four female master students in Nepal. Expected impacts are that the master programmes will continue running after project funding ceases, that Kathmandu and Pokhara universities attract collaborative projects in Nepal and internationally, and that master programme graduates gain skills which are useful in their work.
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Decentralize Portugal with blockchain agenda
Blockchain is a key technology for economy and society digital transition. According to  the World Economic Forum, 10% of global GDP will be stored in blockchains by 2027 and the World Trade Organization, citing a study by Gartner, estimates that by 2030 the use of blockchain technology could add $3 trillion to international trade. According to PwC "blockchain technologies can boost the global economy by $1.76 trillion by 2030" with the sectors that will benefit most being public administration, education, and health. Despite this huge opportunity, Portugal has yet to take advantage of it: according to the EU Blockchain Ecosystem Development report, in 2020 Portugal holds an average maturity at European level.  This Agenda brought together several blockchain organizations, creating a cluster of 24 Portuguese blockchain companies, 15 Research and Technology Organisations (RTO), 5 Public Entities, 2 Associations and 10 other Associated Partners, connected by business and technology, aiming to become global players and, thus, contributing  to a significant change in the specialization profile of the Portuguese economy, by investing on cutting-edge technology and hiring highly qualified personnel. 
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Master's Degree of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector
The Master's Degree in Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector (ManagiDiTH) is an innovative initiative in the European educational panorama, the result of a project financed by the European Union and led by the School of Applied Digital Technologies (Iscte-Sintra), in collaboration with two other universities: the Laurea - University of Applied Sciences, in Finland, and the AUTH - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in Greece. This Master's degree aims to train future professionals, both in the technological and healthcare areas, with essential skills to face the challenges and opportunities that the digital era brings to the healthcare sector. Given the rapid acceleration of technological development, there is an urgent need to equip professionals with the necessary tools to navigate this constantly evolving scenario. With a multidisciplinary and innovative curriculum, the ManagiDiTH master's degree integrates three fundamental components: societal, digital and health. Furthermore, students can choose between two areas of specialization: Data Science or Interoperability. This flexibility allows each student to personalize their training according to their interests and professional aspirations. Thus, students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in areas such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, automation, cybersecurity and other emerging technologies that are redefining the way healthcare services are provided and managed. The study program, consisting of three semesters with a total of 90 ECTS, provides a solid theoretical basis combined with practical experiences and real projects in the sector. Teaching is taught in English, following the most recent pedagogical guidelines related to Distance Learning, which allows the participation of students of different origins and nationalities. The highly specialized teaching staff, coming from diverse academic and professional backgrounds, constitutes an added value of this master's ...
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Humanitarian Action: Climate Change and Displacements
HumAct is a 3-year project funded by the Erasmus + Program Capacity Building for Higher Education and is coordinated by ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa., with partners: the National and Kapodistriana University of Athens, the University of Cape Verde and the University of Santiago, Cape Verde and the Pedagogical University, University of Pungué and University of Rovuma, Mozambique. The main objective of the project is to increase the capacity of higher education institutions in the area of ​​Humanitarian Action (HA) in relation to climate change and displacement in partner countries, specifically in Cape Verde and Mozambique, in collaboration with institutions in program countries, such as Greece and Portugal. The specific objectives are: • Increase the response of higher education with regard to content relevant to HA • Promoting research by teachers and students regarding HA • Develop teachers' pedagogical strategies • Strengthen community involvement
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