Research Projects
Models and Instruments for Transforming Higher Education Systems through Transnational Multi-Sector Links
Today, in the digital era society is evolving at a rapid pace and investing in education have vast social and economic advantages for it. It is the education that allows people to have access to SDGs 4. It is not argued that a better educated people break away from poverty more easily, help to reduce inequalities and achieve gender equality; they are more tolerant, they contribute to reduce crime, to increase political and civic participation and generally to have more peaceful societies with reduced inequalities and imbalances. Within this context the project brings together European, Asia and African academic and non-academic organizations in a staff exchange program, with the goal to explore, design and deploy innovative and context sensitive solutions for transforming higher education systems. This international and multi-sector consortium is created as a platform for collaboration and is united by the principles of innovation, partnership and solidarity with the purpose to research and identify successful contemporary models and modern instruments that can help higher education transformation and support the sustainable and effective adaptation of the higher education systems of the consortium members to the digital age. The aim of the project is study the process of digitalisation in different organisations and offer solutions concerning the improvement of the digitalisation practices. The project consortium comprises both academic and non-academic partners as well as experts in diverse fields such as, but not limited to, economics, law, management, linguistics. This allows a broad and an indepth approach to digitalisation. On the basis of the identified gaps in the digitalisation process, the project will propose approaches and methodologies which will be realised as different disciplines for the academic institutions’ partners in order to build sustainable competences for the transfer of knowledge and skills
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Strengthening Migrant Integration through cooperation between Portugal and Cabo Verde
This action is organized around the general objective (G.O.) to strengthen the mechanisms for the integration of immigrants into Cabo Verde society, while reinforcing the contribution to the priorities defined in the cooperation framework between Portugal and Cabo Verde. This objective is achieved by carrying out several activities oriented towards practical and accurate results, based on the exchange of experiences between both countries to improve the services provided, considering the following specific objectives/outcomes: • S.O.1. – To improve instruments and operating procedures regarding immigrant integration in Cabo Verde, by implementing four local units for immigrant support, a multichannel platform to support and strengthen public services available to immigrants and developing instruments for local approaches. • S.O.2. – To develop capacity-building actions for Cabo Verdean authorities (at national and local level), civil society organizations and ACM key staff, in legal migration management and integration. • S.O.3. – To provide certified professional training of immigrants to promote their professional qualification. • S.O.4. – To produce and disseminate knowledge about migration in Cabo Verde, by developing studies, awareness-raising campaigns, and setting up a Migration Observatory in the country.
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Project Partners
This project will meet the EU citizenship education needs of all students at respective partner schools between the ages of 14-18; In the form of written materials with important elements as purpose, content, learning teaching processes and evaluation are defined as "EU CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION PROGRAM". In our project, the number of students who say I know their EU citizenship rights is 30%. With the studies of European Youth and Culture Club and mobile application; We aim to increase the number of students who say I have information about the European common culture by 40%. The subject, scope and goal of this project requires transnational cooperation of different schools and universities from Europe.
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University Goes Digital for a Sustainable Global Education
Athena Project aims to develop the digital skills of university professors, reinforcing their response to the challenges that universities face today and in the future. The project seeks to foster cooperative learning environments, making them transformative and inclusive through the adoption of new technologies, such as e-learning, gaming platforms, virtual and augmented reality, systematically modeled to activate key competences in digital learning. The project will create models that teachers can adopt and adapt to their classes, using different pedagogical approaches.