Research Projects
Trailblazing Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Cities
The InCITIES project aims to achieve the transformations of HEIs and their surrounding ecosystem centred around on cities’ needs of inclusion, sustainability and resilience. Its specific focus on widening countries (Portugal and Slovakia) will allow to overcome structural, sociocultural, economic, political and institutional barriers to transformation fostering. Addressing the European-global challenges of cities, InCITIES has 4 objectives: 1) Map institutional transformation strategies towards research-based sustainable universities including open science and career opportunities. 2) Build a long-term network of participating HEIs and surrounding ecosystems based on integrated knowledge HUBs. 3) Increase scientific, technological and staff capacity by sharing the best pedagogical, research, management and administrative practices in the consortium, and piloting leverages to widening HEIs. 4) Promote digitally driven universities by creating an open and innovative education and training platform in synergy with the project research and innovation agenda on inclusive, sustainable and resilient cities. The 5 methods jointly developed will set the foundation for the consortium role model: 1) Method for a common research map, 2) Capacity building actions based on the Learning by Developing pedagogical model, 3) Capacity building in talent scout and career opportunity strategy (attractiveness of research careers, including open science incentives), 4) Capacity building on equality, diversity and inclusion, 5) Methods to address enablers and barriers to integration of the InCITIES Alliance. From knowledge co-creation to joint production between European HEIs, surrounding ecosystems and citizens’ involvement, integrated actions play a key-role in achieving the consortium objectives. Capacity building actions implemented are a step towards the submission to the European Universities Initiative; it will strengthen the ERA, the EEA, and Europe’s approach to coope...
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University Goes Digital for a Sustainable Global Education
Athena Project aims to develop the digital skills of university professors, reinforcing their response to the challenges that universities face today and in the future. The project seeks to foster cooperative learning environments, making them transformative and inclusive through the adoption of new technologies, such as e-learning, gaming platforms, virtual and augmented reality, systematically modeled to activate key competences in digital learning. The project will create models that teachers can adopt and adapt to their classes, using different pedagogical approaches.
Dias de confinamento e de violência: a resposta dos serviços de apoio a vítimas de violência doméstica em tempos de pandemia de COVID19, em Portugal
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Memória das Ciências Sociais em Portugal
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Estudo de Avaliação sobre o grau de satisfação de utentes da rede nacional de apoio a vítimas
This project aims the assessment of the services provided by the national network of support to the victims of domestic violence according to two aspects: a) the entities and services that provide support to victims and are part of the national support network; b) the users of this network. Regarding the first strand, the study aims to survey the set of management entities and valences of the national support network, specifically shelters, shelter’s structure and emergency shelter’ services. At this level, it is aimed the analysis of indicators of characterization and self-assessment of the operation of the services provided to users who are victims of domestic violence. In its second aspect, the study aims are assessing the degree of satisfaction of a set of users of the national network of support to victims of domestic violence who, in the different regions of the country, used services provided by some of those services as well as the impact of this technical intervention in their life pathways.
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New Psychoactive Substances: transnational project on different user groups, user characteristics, extent and patterns of use, market dynamics, and best practices in prevention
  New Psychoactive Substances: transnational project on different user groups, user characteristics, extent and patterns of use, market dynamics, and best practices in prevention. This transnational project directly addresses priority area ‘New psychoactive substances’, i.e. ‘to support the implementation of EU legislation on new psychoactive substances by monitoring the extent and patterns of use of such substances, and by sharing best practices on prevention’. The proposed project is directly linked to the European Drugs Strategy 2013-2020. The main objectives are: 1. To determine the extent and patterns of NPS use within three different groups 2. Assess characteristics in three different groups of NPS users 3. Collect information about supply 4. Identify market dynamics for NPS 5. Assess perceptions of legal status of NPS 6. Make an inventory of prevention strategies used in the different countries 7. Identify best practices 8. Disseminate and share project results Europe-wide. The research took place in six EU Member States: Germany, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal.    
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Sustainable workforce
The main goals of the Sustainable Workforce project are: a) to analyze the causes of organizational investments: Why do some organizations invest in a sustainable workforce while others do not? b) to explore which employees are actually going to make use of these investments; c) to investigate the returns of these investments for individual employees, organizations and countries, in terms of, for example, increased job satisfaction, better performance and a flourishing economy. The project will be exploring the causes and consequences of investments made for organizations and its employees in human and social capital; new ways of working. The Sustainable Workforce Survey collected information from organizations, managers and employees in Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
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Processes of inclusion of women victims of domestic violence: education, vocational training and entrepreneurship
The research project "Processes of inclusion of women victims of domestic violence: education, vocational training and entrepreneurship" analyzes the process of social and economic autonomy of women who leave violent relationships and enter into a shelter. With three axes of analysis - policies, institutions and individuals (women victims) - the overall objectives of the project are developed at macro, meso and micro level. The project aims to: 1. Assess the importance of political strategies in education, employment and training, social inclusion and equality in the process of social reintegration of victims of domestic violence and the prevention of their revictimization; 2. Map and examine the policies for the social reintegration of the victims and the role of the support institutions, namely shelters; 3. Understand the process of social reintegration of victims of domestic violence who have been hosted in a shelter; to longitudinally analyze the inequality of resources throughout the life course of the woman and the strategies to promote their autonomy and a life project.
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Erasmus Mundus Master in Social Work with Families and Children
  The action-research project in social work with families and children aims to implement an international master's degree, including European and African universities - MFAMILY Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. The programme enhances the knowledge and the skills needed for working internationally with interventions for vulnerable children and marginalized families. The Erasmus Mundus project provides 139 scholarships for students, teacher mobility and lectures by Visiting Scholars from various countries.  In addition, it contributes to research with articles on innovative topics. The programme is jointly developed by Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon, University of Gothenburg (UGOT), University of Stavanger (UiS) and Makerere University (MU). The first semester is spent in Lisbon, Portugal, the second semester in Stavanger, Norway and the third semester in Gothenburg, Sweden before the students move to one of the four partner institutions to work on the master’s thesis. The language of instruction is English. The aim of the programme is for students to graduate having a sound practical foundation in: understanding the diverse and varied contexts, life situations and challenges faced by children and families in Europe and selected international settings; applying skills to work appropriately in and with these contexts; using and developing research to inform knowledge and practice for working with vulnerable children and families; and applying the values of international social work.    
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Civil Engagement in Social Work: Developing Global Models
This project aims to examine the role of civil society in supporting vulnerable members of the community within the context of social welfare reform, neoliberal policy and new public management initiatives. Pressures of marketization, austerity and statutory intervention are challenging policies to reducing poverty, social inequality and social exclusion and promoting social cohesion and developing social capital. The project involves EU and associated countries that are undergoing significant social and economic change, namely England, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey, whilst non EU countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are newly advanced economic development countries. The project will enhance the understanding and knowledge based models of global sustainable social welfare service delivery.
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Project Partners
  • CIES-Iscte
  • - - Leader (United Kingdom)
  • - - (Italy)
  • UA - (Spain)
  • - - (Turkey)
  • SPSU - (Russian Federation)
  • SU - (South Africa)
  • - - (India)
  • SYSU - (China)
  • Ufes - (Brazil)
Políticas de Conciliação Trabalho-Família na Perspectiva dos Dirigentes de Topo
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Elderly and Lifestyles
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Old age and ways of life
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MP3 - Medir percursos de 3 gerações
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Conciliação trabalho-família e igualdade de género: políticas e práticas organizacionais: A igualdade de género nas organizações: estudos de avaliação
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Gender, entrepreneurship and qualifications in Portugal: trends, contexts and individual experiences
Using a gender perspective, the aim of this quantitative and qualitative research project is to examine entrepreneurship patterns and dynamics in Portugal, how these patterns and dynamics affect daily functioning of PT SME,and how they affect life course of individual entrepreneurs, especially women.It is crucial for the project to examine the gendered nature of entrepreneurship in Portugal, something which will be connected to a broader, integrated analysis of main determinants explaining the identified patterns of entrepreneurship.This framework needs to be addressed if a deeper understanding of social and cultural determinants of women and men’s entrepreneurship behaviour is to be achieved.A number of articulated methodological strategies will be used in this research.As we wish to achieve an in-depth, understanding of the determinants of entrepreneurship it is necessary to use a multi-level approach.
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Cientistas Sociais de Países de Língua Portuguesa: Histórias de Vida
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Family Trajectories and Social Networks: the lifecourse in an intergenerational perspective
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Students and their Trajectories in Higher Education: Success and Attrition, Factors and Processes, Fostering Best Practices
This projects aims at identifying and analysing typical trajectories of success, failure and dropping-out among higher education students, relating them to structural and institutional parameters, and looking for explanatory factors and best practices. The scope of the project is nationwide and it spreads through the various Portuguese higher education subsystems. The analysis is carried out at three levels: structural, institutional and biographical, using statistical sources, surveys, institutional documents and in-depth interviews. The project is included in the programme “The Promotion of Educational Success and the Fight against Dropping-Out and Failure in Higher Education” of MCTES (Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) and is supported by FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology). The research team is formed on the basis of a consortium between CIES-ISCTE and ISFLUP, and has also the cooperation of other higher education institutions and students’ unions.
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Quality of Life in a Changing Europe
Quality is a innovative quantitative and qualitative research project that aims to examine how, in an era of major change, European citizens and workers living in different national welfare state regimes and subject to different public and organization trends and policies evaluate the quality of their lives. The project will analyse international-comparative data on the social well-being of citizens and collect new data on social quality in European workplaces in the selected partner countries: UK, Finland, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Hungary and a candidate country for EU enlargement, Bulgaria.
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Project Partners
  • CIES-Iscte
  • UU - Leader (Netherlands)
  • MMU - (United Kingdom)
  • UH - (Germany)
  • - - (Finland)
  • CEU - (Hungary)
  • - - (Poland)
  • - - (Sweden)
The Youngsters' Reply. Comparison of Different Parental Models
The project wish to contribute to the achievement of full equality between men and women in Europe, promoting changes in gender roles also by way of a better conciliation betwen family and profissional life. The stable presence of women in the labour market is an irreversible fact; therefore, in Europe men and woman have to face the problem of a conciliation of responsabilities in family and work, as well as the necessity to involve men in family life in a wider way.
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Project Partners
  • CIES-Iscte - Leader
  • FAI - (Belgium)
  • IREF - (Italy)
  • - - (Italy)
  • - - (Spain)
  • - - (United States of America)
Transitions in Work-Family Relations: Strategies, Networks and Identities
The objective of this project is to establish a research programme focused on two interrelated aspects:an analysis of the relationship between family and work, on the one hand, and the dynamics of transition in this relationship, on the other.
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Gender, Parenthood and Changing European Workplace: Young Adults Negotiating the Work-Family Boundary
To examine how young European men and women working in public and private sector workplaces negotiate motherhood and fatherhood, and work-family boundaries in the context of different national welfare state regimes, family and employer support.
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Project Partners
  • CIES-Iscte
  • MMU - Leader (United Kingdom)
  • UiB - (Norway)
  • UU - (Netherlands)
  • GU - (Sweden)
  • IOE - (United Kingdom)
  • UL - (Slovakia)
  • - - (Bulgaria)
  • - - (France)
Best Practices around Europe Concerning the Reconciliation of Family and Professional Life for Women and Men
The main aim of this project is to write a manual about best practices concerning the reconciliation of family and professional life in Portugal. This includes the data collection from sources of all relevant information on policy mesaures and best practice and the preparation of a national report about the portuguese situation in this field.
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Portuguese Young People's Orientations to Work and Family Life
To main aim of this project is to provide an in-depth comparative analysis of how European young people of different countries face, in their present and near future lifecourse period of transition to adulthood, the reconciliation of work and family life - in the current social conditions of employment problems and lifestyle changes, as experienced in a range of diverse European contexts.
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Project Partners
  • CIES-Iscte - Leader
  • MMU - (United Kingdom)
  • UL - (United Kingdom)
  • UL - (Ireland)
  • UiB - (Norway)
  • - - (Sweden)
  • UL - (Slovakia)
Families in Contemporary Portugal: Structures, Dynamics and Obligations
The aim of this project is to study family forms in contemporary Portugal, by analysing family structures, marital and parental dynamics, and obligations. The research will investigate the relation between family organisation and social, economics and spatial determinants.
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