Facts First: Untangling the Nexus of Human (Im)Mobility and Climate in Europe
Scientific recognition of the complex relationships between climate, migration and society has increased in recent years, but it often remains incomplete. Misleading claims about mass migration due to climate change persist both in the academic debate, as highlighted by Boas et al. (2019) and Zickgraf (2020), but especially in the media, the public, and politics. While international migration and climate policy makers increasingly portray climate change as a key driver of migration from the Global South to the Global North, this narrative often simplifies complex realities and often lacks empirical foundation (Black et al., 2011). The militarisation of 'climate migration' is reinforced by public funding programmes that prioritise security concerns over comprehensive understanding, such as funding calls under the Horizon 2020 programme (Piguet et al., 2018). These narratives influence border management measures and migration policies in destination countries and perpetuate the myth of "climate migration" or "climate flight" as a security risk (Trombetta, 2014). The planned project aims to 1) identify reasons for the discrepancy between public perception and research (the current state of knowledge would then have to be analysed in the case school and then the survey would have to deepen this). 2) Identify opportunities for better communication of scientific findings. 3) Anchoring the topic permanently in science. By promoting an objective discussion and sensitisation of young scientists, the public and politicians, awareness of the complex links between climate change and migration should be raised. This will ultimately lead to more informed political decisions and a better public debate on these important issues.
This project includes a three-day Fall School for Master and PhD students at CIES-Iscte.
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- CIES-Iscte
- Philipps-Universität Marbur - (Alemanha)
Tackling the challenges of Erasmus+ mobility inclusion and diversity at higher education level
Inclusion+ aims at fostering inclusivity and diversity in Erasmus+ mobility at the higher education level by tackling the barriers faced by students with fewer opportunities, namely students with caring responsibilities and students with disabilities, to participate in international mobility. By establishing cooperation between HEIs and host cities Inclusion+ will enhance both host institutional and cities’ inclusivity.
Inclusion+ activities are scoping review, dialogue forums, and online survey on inclusivity in student mobility to feed into a storytelling report and an online inventory of promising practices. Collaborative laboratories to co-create recommendations for inclusive mobility for HEIs and host cities and co-design a full-fledged prototype for a mobility app. Development of a roadmap and two factsheet checklists to guide HEIs and host cities on how to improve inclusivity toward Erasmus+ students.
Our project aims at improving the partner HEIs’ ability to exchange students in an inclusive way, and foster host cities’ inclusiveness toward international students. Raise awareness at the HEIs and city level of the barriers faced by students with fewer opportunities to participate in Erasmus+ mobility. Support HEIs and host cities’ on how to better respond to the needs of these students.
Measuring Irregular Migration
rregular migration represents a serious challenge worldwide. However, it is difficult to develop and monitor policies because relevant quantitative data are scarce and often outdated or contested. Many questions remain unanswered regarding the way that legal frameworks define migrant irregularity, the characteristics of irregular migrants concerning age, gender, nationality and other socioeconomic variables and the assessment of policies like regularisation. The EU-funded MIrreM project will assess the policies, data needs and estimates that define migrant irregularity in 11 EU Member States, the UK, Canada, US and five transit countries. The project will develop new and innovative methods for measuring irregular migration and 'regularisation scenarios' actively involving relevant stakeholders at every stage of this project.
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- CIES-Iscte
- EUI - (Itália)
- UWK - Líder (Áustria)
- Osnabrück University - (Alemanha)
- UM - (Países Baixos (Holanda))
- Turku AMK - (Finlândia)
- UCM - (Espanha)
- ELIAMEP - (Grécia)
- Unimi - (Itália)
- University of Potsdam - (Alemanha)
- PICUM - (Bélgica)
- ICMPD - (Áustria)
- MPI Europe - (Bélgica)
- University of Warsaw - (Polónia)
- VUB - (Bélgica)
kNOwing online HATE speech: knowledge + awareness = TacklingHate
Despite the Union’s effort to fight against online hate speech (OHS), several reports showed an increase in OHS during 2020-21. The current pandemic provided a context for increased scapegoating and stigmatization, and minority groups are disproportionally targets of hatred discourse. OHS is a persistent threat to the Union’s values and there is a need for more knowledge on its content, detection and countering, as highlighted in the current Call. Portugal, as other member states, has seen an escalation of hate speech against immigrants, racial/ethnic groups, and LGBTIQ communities.
However, there is no systematized knowledge nor tools designed to detect, monitor and prevent OHS against these communities. Our project aims at addressing this need, offering a comprehensive, participatory and culturally sensitive approach to analyse, detect, and counter, direct and indirect OHS in Portuguese language.
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- CIS-Iscte (PsyChange) - Líder
- BRU-Iscte
- ISTAR-Iscte
- CIES-Iscte
- INESC-ID - (Portugal)
- IST-ID - (Portugal)
- ILGA Portugal - (Portugal)
- CBL - (Portugal)
- CICDR/ACM - (Portugal)
- SOS RACISMO - (Portugal)
Estudantes de países terceiros em Portugal: desafios da integração numa era (pós)pandémica
O presente projeto visa analisar o impacto da pandemia Covid-19 na experiência de nacionais de países terceiros enquanto estudantes internacionais do ensino superior em Portugal, partindo das perceções dos próprios estudantes. Por estudantes internacionais entendemos tanto estudantes inscritos em esquemas de mobilidade ‘de crédito’, que geralmente permanecem em Portugal durante um ou dois semestres, como também estudantes em mobilidade ‘de grau’, ou seja, matriculados num curso conferente de grau de uma instituição de ensino superior portuguesa.
Para tanto, foram definidos os seguintes objetivos de investigação: examinar as transformações nos perfis dos estudantes internacionais provenientes de países terceiros que entraram no país desde o início da pandemia Covid-19, e investigar como os estudantes internacionais provenientes de países terceiros avaliam e dão significado às suas vivências durante o período (pós)pandémico. Mais ainda, este estudo almeja mapear os novos desafios e oportunidades que a crise sanitária trouxe para a internacionalização do ensino superior português. Considerando a popularização de novas formas de mobilidade pensadas para o contexto da educação terciária, pretendemos compreender o papel que a ‘mobilidade virtual’ e ‘mobilidade híbrida’ podem ter no ensino superior português.
Além do seu objetivo académico, o projeto busca produzir recomendações políticas baseadas em evidência científica para apoiar o trabalho de decisores políticos, ‘stakeholders’ institucionais, peritos e profissionais no campo da educação superior e das migrações. Almejando uma compreensão abrangente deste fenômeno no contexto português, as análises aqui propostas serão realizadas a nível nacional.
Thais França (CIES-Iscte) e Cosmin Nada (CIIE-FPCEUP) (coordenadores)
Patrícia Ávila (Cies-Iscte), David Cairns (Cies-Iscte) e Daniel Malet-Calvo (Cies-Iscte), Sofia Marques da Silva (CIIE-FPCEUP) e Pedro Ferreira (CIIE-FPCEUP)
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- CIES-Iscte - Líder
- FPCE-UP - (Portugal)
Mapping Out: Portugal on the European anti-immigrant movements map
"Mapping Out: Portugal on the European anti-immigrant movements map" adds to the “Reaching Out to Close the Border: The Transnationalization of Anti-Immigration Movements in Europe (MAM)” project, led by Kristian Berg Harpviken (PRIO), by incorporating the Portuguese case to its analysis. MAM looks at contemporary European anti-immigration movement in Germany, Italy, Poland, Norway and the UK, analyzing their transnational dynamics and its impact on their national migration agendas. Hence, “Mapping Out” aims to be part of a wider transnational collaboration that focuses on a cutting-edge topic in the migration and social movement’s field. The well-constructed myth about Portugal as a non-racist society has deemed anti-immigrant movements as an absent issue in the country. In 2019, however, the election of a MP affiliated to the far right party raised public awareness to the problem as it attested to the growing support for racist and xenophobic ideas by the population. Against this backdrop, our initiative aims at expanding the knowledge on the Portuguese anti-immigrant movement, following MAM’s threefold analytical focus: 1) interaction (forms and consequences), 2) framing (political-ideological underpinnings) and 3) outcomes (on migration policies).
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- CIES-Iscte
- PRIO - (Noruega)
SAGE19: Scientific and Academic Gender (in) equality during Covid19
The Covid19 outbreak has impacted negatively on the gendered and racial inequalities in science. The closures of schools and care homes imposed more care responsibilities on women, which might have translated in a reduction of their productivity vis-à-vis their male counterparts. Drawing from a multi-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods with data triangulation, SAGE19 aims at analysing the consequences of the pandemic on gender inequality in academia and its aftermath.
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Parceiros do Projeto
Pandemic Immobility: The Impact of the Covid-19 Lockdown on International Students in Portugal
The outbreak of Covid-19 has had a profound impact on all the social, economic and political life of practically all societies. To help contain the virus and limit pressures on national health care systems, spatial mobility has also been severely affected. Motivated by the rapid spread of Covid-19, countries around the world closed their borders, airlines cancelled their flights and people have been told to stay at home by their governments, limiting human circulation in a manner unprecedented in the post-war period. As a border-crossing and now a border-closing related phenomenon, the global flow of international students has been severely disrupted by social isolation measures put in place without consideration of the consequences for mobility-dependent individuals, a predicament that invites research and analysis. Looking at the Portuguese case, this situation not only reflects the challenges raised by the pandemic in regard to how institutions dependent upon mobility function, but also existing inequalities between the Global North and the Global South, and the socio-economic differentials that have shaped individual experiences of the lockdown: what has become for a many forced displacement from sending countries or an involuntary return home. Some people are evidently better equipped or better situated to cope with the sudden immobility than others. Special attention in our work is given to the impact of lockdown on the quotidian routines of international students, taking into account the new, and existing, challenges they now face, as well as the effectiveness of the response made by host institutions. Empirical evidence is drawn from 30 interviews conducted with international students who were attending Portuguese universities during the lockdown, providing us with illustrations of their capacity to cope with what we have termed ‘pandemic immobility’.
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Parceiros do Projeto
Crise humanitária na Venezuela: migração, trauma e resiliência
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Parceiros do Projeto
Novas comunidades chinesas em Portugal
Desde o início do século XXI, a imigração e sedentarização de novas comunidades chinesas na Europa (imigrantes de negócios, imigrantes altamente qualificados, estudantes internacionais e imigrantes em busca de qualidade de vida) não têm parado de aumentar. Em Portugal, o crescimento do número de imigrantes chineses tem acompanhado esta tendência europeia, exigindo um conhecimento mais apurado sobre as suas caraterísticas enquanto grupo étnico específico, os seus percursos migratórios, e as suas trajetórias sociais e profissionais. Os estudos existentes sobre esta comunidade ainda são escassos e centrados, essencialmente, nos imigrantes económicos, não considerando a sua heterogeneidade enquanto grupo social ou a diversidade das suas origens geográficas. Como tal, este projeto de investigação pretende contribuir para a análise da diversidade das novas comunidades chinesas em Portugal, através de um conjunto de objetivos concretos: (i) análise comparativa dos seus fluxos migratórios e transnacionais entre Portugal, a Europa e a China; (ii) caraterização dos seus perfis sociais, educativos e culturais; (iii) identificação das suas atividades económicas e profissionais, tendo em especial consideração as estratégias de empreendedorismo desenvolvidas, assim como as oportunidades e limitações económico-profissionais a que poderão estar estruturalmente sujeitos; e (iv) análise das trajetórias de integração social quer das primeiras como das segundas gerações de imigrantes. Os métodos a utilizar neste projeto de investigação serão tanto quantitativos (fontes secundárias de dados estatísticos) como qualitativos (entrevistas semi-estruturadas, entrevistas biográficas).
Sofia Gaspar (Coord.), Thaís França e Fernando Ampudia de Haro do CIES-IUL; Irene Rodrigues do Instituto do Oriente, ISCSP-ULisboa.
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- CIES-Iscte - Líder
Internacionalização e mobilidade estudantil para Portugal
O presente projeto enquadra-se na interface dos estudos migratórios, políticas públicas e educação. Especificamente, dedica-se a i) a internacionalização do ensino superior em Portugal e ii) a mobilidade estudantil internacional (MEI) para Portugal. Atualmente, ambos os tópicos tem considerável destaque na agenda nacional dada sua importância para o crescimento económico e social do país. A relevância do estudo justifica-se pelas crescentes pressões da União Europeia (EU) por melhorias nos níveis comunitários de internacionalização do ensino superior e mobilidade estudantil, pela novidade do tema em Portugal, que passou a investir de maneira mais estruturada nessas duas áreas apenas nos últimos dez anos e as particularidades da sociedade portuguesa - participação da (EU) e na Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, desenvolvimento tardio do sistema de ensino superior, passado colonial recente, valor económico da língua portuguesa- que conferem aos fenômenos uma configuração singular. O trabalho recorrer a diferentes contextos analíticos: histórico, político e social; estratégias institucionais e locais; interesses nacionais e regionais. Prevê uma investigação que utiliza metodologias qualitativas e quantitativas e um enfoque transversal de género.
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Parceiros do Projeto
Trajetórias de Refúgio: analise de género, intersecionalidade e políticas públicas em Portugal
O projeto, co-financiado pelo FAMI (Fundo para o Asilo, Migração e Integração), enquadra-se no tema "Mulheres imigrantes e refugiadas" e responde à recente chegada de refugiados a Portugal, atendendo especificamente as mulheres refugiadas, com o intuito de compreender as especificidades das suas experiências e trajetórias, considerando as questões relacionadas com a classe social, o sexo, a religião, a nacionalidade, o acesso a educação e a saúde, e aprendizagem da língua, e as expectativas, desde uma perspectiva de género intersecional. Pretende-se perceber os desafios, as necessidades, as vulnerabilidades vivenciadas pelas refugiadas e as políticas públicas e práticas de acolhimento e integração que o sistema portugués oferece. A metodologia usada será qualitativa, e envolve um conjunto de ferramentas como a entrevista em profundidade, a investigação ação e a analise a nível nacional, regional e local, das políticas e práticas.
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- CIES-Iscte - Líder
Multilevel governance of cultural diversity in a comparative perspective: EU-Latin America
O objetivo geral deste projeto é criar uma rede transnacional de investigação e formação interdisciplinar entre universidades e centros de investigação europeus e latino-americanos, a fim de promover a transferência de conhecimento e produzir investigações inovadoras no campo da governança multinível da diversidade cultural numa perspetiva comparativa.
Scientific Mobility to and from Portugal: Production and Circulation of Knowledge in Highly-Skilled Immigration
Scientific mobility is one of the highly-skilled migration forms that have been gaining importance in European efforts to create a common European area for research; initiatives such as ERA, Marie Curie Fellowship, European Network of Mobility Centers and EURAXESS attest to this importance. Thus, this project aims to investigate how Portugal faces this reality. It is known that some initiatives were taken, such as Law 23/2007, facilitating the entry of international students and scientists in the country, research grant programs – FCT, the Gulbenkian and Champalimaud Foundation, Camões Institute – and several bilateral agreements between national and foreign institutions. Therefore, this proposal sets out to examine the impact of these actions in promoting the internationalization of Portuguese academia and to analyze the mobility trajectory taken by national and foreign researchers. In order to accomplish this goal, qualitative and quantitative methodologies will be employed, seeking to encompass the various dimensions of this phenomenon.
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