Research Projects
IN_Iscte – espaço para crescer
O objetivo estratégico do projeto é reduzir o abandono e promover o sucessoacadémico dos estudantes no 1.º ano, pela primeira vez no 1.º ciclo de estudos,assegurando a regularidade de iniciativas neste âmbito. A candidatura surge na continuação do projeto In_Iscte, a decorrer, ajustando-se agora às ambições do programa Impulso Mais Digital. Identificam-se quatro objetivos específicos: 1. Melhorar a integração e o sucesso dos novos estudantes através de programas dementoria e tutoria;2. Promover a partilha e disseminação de práticas de inovação pedagógica dentro e fora da sala de aula, renovando e diversificando metodologias e instrumentostecnológicos;3. Desenvolver mecanismos de identificação, comunicação e acompanhamento de estudantes em risco;4. Reforçar as competências de autoaprendizagem e de trabalho em equipa. Como objetivo transversal, refira-se o alargamento da base social dos estudantes doensino superior. Neste sentido, tendo como foco os estudantes inscritos no 1.º ano pela primeira vez, será dada especial atenção a grupos tradicionalmente sub-representados ou com dificuldades identificadas na integração no ensino superior: estudantes de contingentes prioritários/especiais - com enfase aos estudantes com deficiência; estudantes beneficiários da ação social escolar; estudantes bolseiros provenientes de países PALOP; estudantes deslocados da sua residência habitual por motivos de estudo; trabalhadores-estudantes (Almeida et al, 2003; Machado et al. 2003; Martins, Mauritti e Costa, 2005 e 2008; Martins, 2015; Martins, Carvalho, Ávila & Costa, 2017; Martins, 2020; Martins e Ramos, 2020; Martins, Mauritti & Machado, 2023; Matias et al. 2023; Mauritti et al. 2023; Mauritti, Pintassilgo et al. 2023; SEAQ-UQ-Iscte, 2023). A definição dos objetivos articula-se com as áreas prioritárias de intervenção identificadas no aviso de abertura. Na prossecução destes objetivos, desenvolver-se-ão quatro eixos de atividades principais: 1) um programa de mentorias e ...
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Baseline study methodology plan and protocol
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Espaço para crescer
A adaptação e integração dos estudantes no Ensino Superior tem sido largamente abordada  pela investigação, nomeadamente no que diz respeito ao impacto do processo de adaptação  no sucesso e abandono escolar. A integração dos novos estudantes num novo contexto social  e académico pode constituir-se como um momento crítico nos processos de adaptação, sendo  que o período de chegada e os primeiros tempos de permanência na instituição são o momento-chave para intervir preventivamente. O acolhimento de novos estudantes é uma  prioridade do Iscte. As relações entre a integração nas relações sociais do ambiente académico (dentro e fora da  sala de aula), saúde mental e desempenho académico tornou-se particularmente evidente no  contexto mais recente do período COVID-19. Os efeitos do isolamento social e da  aprendizagem exclusivamente on-line são duradouros, sendo fundamental investir na  recuperação através do reforço das iniciativas de acolhimento. A aposta em estratégias de prevenção, com carácter universal, são uma forma eficaz de obtenção de resultados positivos  com os estudantes quer ao nível da sua saúde mental, quer no ajustamento à universidade.  
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Inquérito Socioeconómico aos Estudantes do Ensino Superior em Portugal
O estudo em referência tem como objetivo nuclear produzir informação em dois níveis complementares:- No plano europeu, o projeto EUROSTUDENT, toma por base uma lista alargada de indicadores harmonizados e comparáveis. Este conjunto de indicadores, tendo o seu foco principal nas condições de vida dos estudantes, inclui temas tão diversos como a transição e acesso ao ensino superior; tipos e modalidades de estudo; origens sociais; residência/alojamento; despesas; rendimentos; emprego e quotidiano (distribuição de tempos); mobilidade e internacionalização; e avaliação da qualidade do programa de estudos e planos para o futuro. Nesta edição (EVIII), introduziram-se módulos respeitantes a questões suplementares, nomeadamente sobre as consequências da pandemia (provocada pela Covid19), bem estar e saúde mental e experiências de discriminação.- No plano nacional, produzir informação, em termos gerais, sobre as condições socioeconómicas dos estudantes portugueses do ensino superior (com a diversidade da temática apresentada anteriormente). Importa sublinhar que uma parte da equipa proponente da presente proposta foi responsável pela realização do INQUÉRITO SOCIOECONÓMICO AOS ESTUDANTES DO ENSINO SUPERIOR EM PORTUGAL, em 4 rounds anteriores: no Projeto EUROSTUDENT (EII) 2005, EUROSTUDENT (EIII) 2008, EUROSTUDENT (VI) 2018, EUROSTUDENT VII, 2021.  
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Implementação e resultados dos Planos de Ação para o Desenvolvimento Digital das Escolas
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Doctoral Education in Portugal: What Future?
Doctoral education in Portugal has undergone structural and institutional changes, resulting in new and diverse educational and research designs. Doctoral education in Portugal has undergone structural and institutional changes, resulting in new and diverse educational and research designs. These changes have affected doctoral programmes significantly. Some of the main debates regarding recent changes revolve around tailor-made programmes for individuals versus compulsory, pre-structured courses; basic research skills versus transferable skills; degree duration and expected completion times; different forms of financial support; innovative support practices and programmes; types of academic guidance and training opportunities; and the impact of digitalisation. Other trends include the expansion of collaborative partnerships and international exchanges, such as university-industry partnerships, cooperation with other sectors of society, and international associations between similar universities. These changes are centred around students' motivations, experiences, purposes, and achievements. It is also necessary to consider their future orientation, taking account to doctorate education elsewhere.
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Avaliação externa do Programa Schools 2030
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Aquisição de serviços de consultoria especializada na área da equidade no ensino superior e do sistema educativo português
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Inquérito Socioeconómico aos Estudantes do Ensino Superior em Portugal – EUROSTUDENT VII
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Reduzir o insucesso e o abandono escolar
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Avaliação do Contributo do Portugal 2020 para a Promoção do Sucesso Educativo, Redução do Abandono Escolar Precoce e Empregabilidade dos Jovens para o Programa Operacional Capital Humano
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Socioeconomic Survey of Higher Education Students in Portugal in 2017
Socioeconomic Survey of Higher Education Students in Portugal in 2017 The overall objective of this project is to produce knowledge about the living conditions of students of higher education, allowing, for each of the subsystems (university and polytechnic), to obtain scientifically valid information at national level and comparable at European level (this project is being developed under the European Project Eurostudent).  The main thematic dimensions of student characterization are: A - Demographics; B - Transition and access; C - Types and modalities of study; D - Social background; E - Accommodation; F – Students expenses; G – Students income; H - Employment and time budgets; I - Mobility and internationalization; J - Assessment of Studies and Future Plans.
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The difference that school can make: school success in the municipality of Almada (4th and 6th year)
This project had the following research objectives: (i) to evaluate the evolution of the results obtained by the schools of the municipality of Almada, in relation to the students of the 4th and 6th year of schooling, over 5    years (from 2019/10 to 2014 / 15) in national tests (exams); (ii) to know the municipal schools that stand out for the potential they show in producing educational value, that is, which ones can, with socially similar school populations, get their students to obtain better results in the national tests and (iii) identify the organizational variables that will support this good performance of the schools in question. A multi-method methodology was used, combining an extensive approach with an intensive one. The first was based on the analysis of two databases provided by the General Directorate of Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) for the academic years 2009/10 and 2014/15, the 4th and 6th year of schooling, and the second one based on four case studies (two comparative case studies, one per schooling cycle).
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Social Inequalities: Portugal and Europe
Transversal scientific project that includes several research groups from CIES-IUL whose main objective is to relate the problems of social inequalities with different dimensions and sectors of the Portuguese society, based on comparative analysis at the European level. The project's main outputs are: the organization and editing of a collective book, the organization of an international colloquium, the creation of an internet page, the production of short thematic films.
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Impactos da Redução do Número de Alunos/Turma
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Internationalization and development of the area of Public Education Policies
The general objective of the project is to develop advanced research and to strengthen and expand education provisioning in the area of educational public policies and school administration.
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40 Anos de Politicas de Ciência e Ensino Superior em Portugal
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PROCLEU: Social Classes and Inequalities in Contemporary European Society
The analysis of social inequalities is one of the most important instruments for understanding the current European reality. The present project intends to contribute to this analysis, through a set of innovative contributions, both theoretical-conceptual and methodological-operative. The research is based on extensive and comparative analysis supported by international databases such as the European Social Survey, EU-SILC and others. The analysis emphasizes the systemic and multidimensional intersections between the 'class-country' structural segments and the integrated distributions of income, education, gender and age in Europe's social space.
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Educational Challenges in Southern Europe. Equity and efficiency in a time of crisis
The project is focused on five major areas over which the impacts of the crises will be more closely assessed: the initial education and training; the institutional paths for transition from school/training to work; adult education and lifelong learning; the transparency of qualifications and the articulation between the education and training systems; the structure of services and benefits aiming at guaranteeing universal access to the education and training systems.For each of these five areas, the following key dimensions of analysis are considered: (a) diversity and relative importance of available pathways within the system, (b) curricula; (c) human resources (d) budget and funding circuits; (e) the quantity and quality of physical spaces. Results indicators will be analyzed in all five areas, such as coverage and attainment.
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Looking in to the future: effects of the crisis on the reconfiguration of income and consumption of middle class families in Portugal
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A Nova Era das Desigualdades Escolares: A educação em análise pelos seus actores centrais
A Nova Era das Desigualdades Escolares: A educação em análise pelos seus actores centrais
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Study on project of “living Science” school
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Educational achievement and organisational profiles. A look at external evaluation reports
The aim of the study is to establish an analytical relationship between education and training policies, school organisation models, types of leadership and educational achievement/failure, analysing the institutional and organisational contexts in basic and secondary education and weighting their impact on the schools’ results (particularly in terms of levels of educational achievement/failure). It will also include an analysis of dropouts as a form of educational failure (although with different contours) or with regard to mechanisms used by schools to deal with it by, namely, referring students to alternative forms of learning.
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Estudantes do Ensino Superior e Empréstimos com Garantia Mútua
The main goal of this research is to monitor and to evaluate the ongoing impact of the Portuguese Mutual Guarantee Loans System directed to higher education students. It will be focused on the social and economic portrayal of higher educations students who use this programme, but also on the articulation and complementary of the programme with the public support provided by the state. This study aims also at identifying the parameters and results of similar initiatives existing in other national contexts, namely in OECD countries, which can be compared with the impact and the reach of the Portuguese mutual guarantee loans’ programme.
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Observatório das Desigualdades
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Students and their Trajectories in Higher Education: Success and Attrition, Factors and Processes, Fostering Best Practices
This projects aims at identifying and analysing typical trajectories of success, failure and dropping-out among higher education students, relating them to structural and institutional parameters, and looking for explanatory factors and best practices. The scope of the project is nationwide and it spreads through the various Portuguese higher education subsystems. The analysis is carried out at three levels: structural, institutional and biographical, using statistical sources, surveys, institutional documents and in-depth interviews. The project is included in the programme “The Promotion of Educational Success and the Fight against Dropping-Out and Failure in Higher Education” of MCTES (Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) and is supported by FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology). The research team is formed on the basis of a consortium between CIES-ISCTE and ISFLUP, and has also the cooperation of other higher education institutions and students’ unions.
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Eurostudent 2005
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Literacy and other Life Skills for the Knowledge Society: Profiles and Processes
The identification of the population's literacy profiles and the main factors behind them. To expand and update the concept of literacy.
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Life Patterns: Profiles and Trends in Contemporary Portuguese Society.
To produce a set of innovative developments within the ambit of that which, in operational terms, we can call the social characterisation of populations. At the heart of the project is our intention to combine new theoetical proposals with the exploration of a number of new possibilities offered by the use of empirical information.
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The Modernization of Social Structures: Social Recomposition, New Values, Emerging Protagonisms
It is intended that this project should fill in certain significant lacunae in the treatment of a suject as important as that of the processes of modernization in contemporary Portuguese society.  The central objective of this project is to proceed towards a sociological analysis, strongle rooted in the theoretical field and solidly supported by empirical evidence, of the processes of reshaping of the social structures which are at present affecting Portuguese society.
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