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Ano Tipo de publicação Autores Título Publicada em... Citações Web of Science® Citações Scopus
2024 Artigo em revista científica Junça Silva, A.; Should I pet or should I work? Human-animal interactions and (tele)work engagement: An exploration of the underlying within-level mechanisms Personnel Review 11 9
2024 Artigo em revista científica Schippling, A.; Abrantes, P.; Analysing biographies in transnational educational spaces: Transitions to higher education of alumni from an IB school in Lisbon Globalisation, Societies and Education 4 3
2024 Artigo em revista científica Loureiro, S. M. C.; Ali, F.; Ali, M.; Symmetric and asymmetric modeling to understand drivers and consequences of hotel chatbot engagement International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 12 11
2024 Artigo em revista científica Padilla, B.; Castellani, S.; Rodrigues, V.; Who cares? Civil society organizations as healthcare life vest for migrants in post troika Portugal Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2 3
2024 Artigo em revista científica Figueiredo, R.; Dias, A.; Sousa, M.; Digital technologies adopted by universities to support entrepreneurial students spin-offs International Journal of Education Economics and Development -- 0
2024 Artigo em revista científica Medeiros, E.; Valente, B.; Assessing impacts of public policies towards environmental sustainability in an EU region: North of Portugal European Planning Studies 3 3
2024 Artigo em revista científica Mendes, M. M.; Magano, O.; Mourão, S.; Pinheiro, S.; In-between identities and hope in the future: Experiences and trajectories of Cigano secondary students (SI) Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 2 3
2024 Artigo em revista científica De Clercq, D.; Pereira, R.; Violated contracts, inadequate career support, but still forgiveness: Key organizational factors that determine championing behaviors European Management Review 5 5
2024 Artigo em revista científica António, R.; Guerra, R.; Moleiro, C.; Cyberbullying during COVID-19 lockdowns: Prevalence, predictors, and outcomes for youth Current Psychology 4 8
2024 Artigo em revista científica Bettencourt, L.; Simões, F.; Fernandes, B.; Fonseca, J.; Designing vocational training policies in an outermost European region: Highlights from a participatory process European Educational Research Journal 2 1