Projetos de Investigação
Fomentar a Empregabilidade de Jovens Mulheres através da Promoção dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável com Inteligência Artificial
O projeto WISE-AI visa abordar a baixa participação das mulheres nas ciências da IA e apoiar a implementação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). Apesar da crescente importância da IA em vários campos, as mulheres continuam sub-representadas neste setor. Combinando formação e jogos educativos, o projeto pretende capacitar jovens mulheres em competências de empreendedorismo e IA colmatando a lacuna de género e promovendo a inclusão e a igualdade. O projeto aproveitará métodos educacionais inovadores, utilizando uma abordagem baseada em jogos para tornar a aprendizagem envolvente e eficaz. Para além disso, o projeto pretende criar um impacto significativo ao longo do tempo, proporcionando recursos educacionais que continuarão a apoiar as jovens mulheres mesmo após a conclusão do projeto.
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Parceiros do Projeto
Design and evaluation of technological support tools to empower stakeholders in digital education
EMPOWER will focus on education for children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). Children with NDDs can experience difficulties with language and speech, motor skills, behaviour, memory, learning, or other neurological functions. Technological solutions that can respond to such individual needs have the potential to both improve the quality and inclusiveness of the education of these children and support teachers in carrying out their educational vocation. From a technological perspective, the challenge is not only to deliver the resulting educational program but also to do so accurately and to the benefit of the child. From an ethical perspective, several challenges come together in the trade-off between the potential educational benefits and the necessity to process relevant information regarding the children via measurements and algorithms that shape the educational program. In the proposed AI regulations of the EU (Artificial Intelligence Act, EC/2021), this is a high- risk endeavour. Together, this application domain is therefore a challenging one in that it unites sensitive cases of the obstacles one is likely to encounter in digitizing education. Addressing these challenges is therefore also an opportunity to shed more light on the future of technology and AI in education as the ability to address these challenges in their extreme form will lead to insights that are relevant more generally.
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Parceiros do Projeto
REMOWA - Remote working management skills for HR professionals
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Digital Talent Ecosystem (DTE)
O PROJETO DTE vai disponibilizar um conjunto de funcionalidades inovadoras, que recorrerá a tecnologias nas áreas de inteligência artificial e blockchain, permitindo designadamente a seleção e avaliação de candidatos com motores e ferramentas muito especificas e diferenciadas
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Parceiros do Projeto
BRU-HORIZON 2020: Raising the International Profile and Scalability of BRU’s Research Activities
This project, supported by Portugal 2020 funds, aims to support BRU-Iscte institutional capacities in submitting applications to European competitive funding, namely within the Horizon 2020 programme. With this support, BRU-Iscte has drafted a strategic plan for 2019-2022 with regards to the submission of applications to competitive European funding schemes in areas of key interest for BRU research activities.
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