Trovoada de Ideias - Linguistic and social inclusion of Students from the PALOP in the Portuguese Higher Education
Trovoada de Ideias - Linguistic and social inclusion of Students from the PALOP in the Portuguese Higher Education

The project is based on two diagnosis applied to students and professors from Portuguese Higher Education Institutions (HEI), on academic inclusion of students from Portuguese Speaking African Countries (PALOP) in two institutions: the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (2013) and ISCTE-IUL (2016).

In both cases, it became clear that there is a need to adopt strategies and instruments to promote the inclusion of international PALOP students, namely to produce and test materials to deepen their linguistic-communicative skills, for academic purposes, in different varieties of the Portuguese language.

On one hand, skills related to oral and written comprehension of European Portuguese used in Portuguese HEI; on the other hand, skills related to the oral and written production of texts required by academic activity, in any language and its respective varieties. 

Previous projects developed at ISCTE-IUL and in other Portuguese HEI have confirmed these same needs, but without exploring the sociolinguistic backdrop that is central to this project.


The research-action project derives from two fundamental needs.

First, to promote a deeper understanding on the communicative linguistic repertoires and skills of each student, through:

a) recognizing the African varieties of the Portuguese language, and the sociolinguistic contexts of each country of origin;

b) promoting a deeper knowledge on the differences between the schooling countries and the higher education country, considering the students’ previous school practices, over 12 years of schooling in Portuguese (either first language (L1) or second language (L2)).

Second, to identify needs for more comprehensive and efficient responses of social and academic inclusion at different Portuguese HEIs in relation to these international students. Consequently, we aim contributing to a more efficient and sustainable internationalisation of the higher education system (also) through the Portuguese language; enabling the potential implicated in these international networks, wherein Portuguese language plays a central role as a language of shared knowledge. 


It is our aim to contribute to the linguistic and social inclusion of the PALOP international students in the academic context of ISCTE-IUL through seven stages of research:

(1) A Course Unit (UC) on transversal skills in Portuguese language, designated as "Academic Portuguese", addressed to international PALOP students, and inclusive regarding other students, running from May 2018, with tuition exemption for target students, under the coordination of the Laboratory of Languages ​​and Transversal Competences (LLCT/ISCTE-IUL);

(2) The production of a script with materials of the “Academic Portuguese” UC, for language teachers, applicable in Portuguese HEIs; 

(3) The production and application of a MOOC – a Massive Open Online Course – for students, derived from the script;

(4) The production of a book about biographies/the school path of the international PALOP students participating in the “Academic Portuguese” UC;

(5) The creation of a brochure of pedagogical guidelines for teachers of Portuguese HEIs;

(6) The creation of a team of mediator-mentor students, with training and guidance, under the coordination of the Social Action Service (SAS);

(7) The creation of events to disseminate the results.



Team: Ana Raquel Matias (coordinator, CIES-IUL; ISCTE-IUL), Paulo Feytor Pinto (co-coordinator, CELGA/ILTEC; APEDI); Filomena Almeida (LLCT-IUL Director, CU coordinator); Teresa Seabra (CIES-IUL; ISCTE-IUL); Pedro Martins (research assistant, CIES-IUL, CELGA/ILTEC); Vera Rodrigues (CIES-IUL; ISCTE-IUL);  Monika Augustyniak (researcher, CIES-IUL); Rosário Candeias (SAS-IUL Director) and Bela Jardim (SAS-IUL senior technician), with the collaboration of a group of Angolan students, who gave the name “Trovoada de Ideias” (the Angolan Portuguese equivalent of brainstorming) to the project.

Internal Partners
Research Centre Research Group Role in Project Begin Date End Date
CIES-Iscte -- Leader 2016-01-01 2020-12-31
External Partners
Institution Country Role in Project Begin Date End Date
Centro de Estudos de Linguística Geral e Aplicada da Universidade de Coimbra (CELGA-ILTEC) Portugal Partner 2016-01-01 2020-12-31
Associação de Professores para a Educação Intercultural (APEDI) Portugal Partner 2016-01-01 2020-12-31
Project Team
Name Affiliation Role in Project Begin Date End Date
Ana Raquel Matias Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Global Coordinator 2016-01-01 2020-12-31
Anna Augustyniak -- Researcher 2018-03-01 2020-12-31
Rosário Mauritti Professora Associada (DS); Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Researcher 2019-09-04 2020-12-31
Teresa Seabra Professora Associada (com Agregação) (DS); Integrated Researcher (CIES-Iscte); Researcher 2016-01-01 2020-12-31
Pedro Martins -- Research Assistant 2019-01-01 --
Vera Lúcia Lourenço Rodrigues PhD Scholar (CIES-Iscte); Research Assistant 2019-04-01 2020-03-31
Project Fundings
Reference/Code Funding DOI Funding Type Funding Program Funding Amount (Global) Funding Amount (Local) Begin Date End Date
OE2-INTEGRAÇÃO E MIGRAÇÃO LEGAL - OE2.ON3 Capacidade -- Contract Alto Comissariado para as Migrações (ACM) - Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração (FAMI) - Portugal 34410.0 34410.0 2018-10-01 2018-10-01
Publication Outputs
Year Publication Type Full Reference
2023 Book chapter Matias, A.R. (2023). "Como é que eu os oiço, como é que eu os entendo?" Perceções dos docentes sobre inclusão linguística e social dos estudantes internacionais dos PALOP numa instituição de ensino. In Araújo e Sá, M.H., Feytor Pinto, P., & Pinto, S (Ed.), Mobilidade internacional de estudantes do ensino superior na CPLP: questões de língua e cultura. (pp. 213-236). Bruxelles, Berlin, Bern, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Editions Scientifiques Internationales.
2020 Scientific journal paper Matias, A. R. & Pinto, P. F. (2020). Overcoming linguistic barriers in Portuguese higher education: The case of international African students. Portuguese Journal of Social Science. 19 (2-3), 189-214
2020 Book author Pinto, P.F., Martins, P. & Matias, A.R. (2020). Livro do/a Professor/a: Recursos Didáticos de Português Académico para Estudantes Internacionais dos PALOP (Projeto Inclusão Linguístico-social de Estudantes dos PALOP no Ensino Superior Português). Lisboa. CIES-IUL; APEDI.
2020 Book chapter Matias, A.R. & Pinto, P. F. (2020). “Pretoguês/pretuguês”: breves notas sobre o papel do racismo na construção histórica de um não-lugar de fala. In Caderno MICAR : textos para a 7ª edição da Mostra Internacional de Cinema Anti-Racista. (pp. 13-20). Porto: SOS Racismo.
2020 Other publications Matias, A.R., Pinto, P.F., Rodrigues, V. & Seabra, T. (2020). Aprender e Ensinar na Diversidade. Orientações para Professores/as do Ensino Superior. Aprender e Ensinar na Diversidade. Orientações para Professores/as do Ensino Superior.
2019 Talk Matias, A.R. (2019). Trovoada de Ideias - Linguistic and Social Inclusion of International Students from Portuguese Speaking African Countries (PALOP) in Portuguese Higher Education. Wednesday Seminar, UiOslo, Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan.
2018 Publication in conference proceedings Pinto, P. F. & Matias, A. R. (2018). Trovoada de ideias: Português académico para estudantes dos PALOP. In Viviane Bagio Furtoso (Ed.), Anais do Simpósio Internacional SIPLE 2017. (pp. 362-370). Lisboa: SIPLE - Sociedade Internacional de Português Língua Estrangeira.
2017 Talk Matias, A.R. & Pinto, P.F. (2017). Trovoada de Ideias: Portugue?s Acade?mico para Estudantes dos PALOP. Simpo?sio Internacional SIPLE 2017 – PLE/L2: Contextos, Usos e Pra?ticas de Ensino.
2016 Talk Matias, A.R. (2016). Trovoada de Ideias 2016: Necessidades Linguísticas dos Estudantes dos PALOP no Ensino Superior Português. IX Congresso Português de Sociologia 2016, Semi-plenário: Mobilidades, identidades e conflitos.
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Other Outputs
Year Output Type Name Description Participants
2020 Conference "Trovoada de Ideias - Project of Linguistic-social Inclusion of PALOP Students in Portuguese Higher Education" CIES-IUL; APEDI; ISCTE-IUL; LLCT-IUL; SAS-IUL; CELGA/ILTEC; IILP/CPLP;Cátedra UNESCO em Políticas Linguísticas para o Multilinguismo; FCT/MCTES; FAMI/ACM Teresa Seabra, Ana Raquel Matias, Vera Rodrigues, Rosário Mauritti
Project Files

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Trovoada de Ideias - Linguistic and social inclusion of Students from the PALOP in the Portuguese Higher Education