Análise de Dados de Imagem e Vídeo
Análise de Dados de Imagem e Vídeo

This project aims to explore new research problems that can be solved by using image and video data analysis. This project will be developed in collaboration with the Lisbon City Council (CML) and addresses challenges that CML launched for the scientific community. The area topic to be addressed is computer vision for knowledge extraction based on aerial and street-level city imagery. We propose a new multi-spatial scale urban fabric dataset and a novel convolutional neural network solution for urban fabric classification tasks. Considering the challenges launched by CML and the already established collaboration between Iscte and CML, this project proposes to explore solutions to a set of urban classification problems by using video and image analysis. In this topic the goal is to identify features of the city shape, namely: i) to estimate the existence of unregistered greenspaces, as green rooftops (since CML is not currently aware of most green rooftops existing in Lisbon) and green back yards (not registered in the city council); ii) to estimate the height and deployment shape and area of Lisbon’s buildings, which will enable to develop an automatic and constantly updated tri-dimensional urban fabric map for Lisbon; iii) to estimate and automatically classify the conservation state of buildings’ facades; iv) among others. Such a methodology will be initially based on the set of aerial and street-level images obtained from CML (during the period of the scholarship). We are also considering exploiting existing city plans freely available at OpenStreetMaps to boost the convolutional neural network's training process, as well as to improve its inference performance. In a second phase, we will explore the use of other types of images such as from google street viewer and the ones directly collected by cameras in drones or city council vehicles (e.g., garbage trucks). For this second phase, we envision submitting a proposal to competitive funding and propose this topic as a master dissertation. The proposed project is multidisciplinary, inter-group (SSE and DLS), and aligns with ISTAR core lines of Smart Cities and Digital Transformation.

Parceiros Internos
Centro de Investigação Grupo de Investigação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
ISTAR-Iscte Software Systems Engineering Parceiro 2021-09-01 2022-02-28
Parceiros Externos

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Equipa de Projeto
Nome Afiliação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
Joao C Ferreira or Joao Ferreira Professor Auxiliar (com Agregação) (DTDA); Investigador Integrado (ISTAR-Iscte); Coordenador Global 2021-09-01 2022-02-28
Sara Eloy Investigadora Associada (ISTAR-Iscte); Investigadora 2021-09-01 2022-02-28
Tiago Fonseca -- Investigador 2021-09-01 2022-02-28
Tomás Gomes Silva Serpa Brandão Professor Auxiliar (DCTI); Investigador Integrado (ISTAR-Iscte); Investigador 2021-09-01 2022-02-28
Financiamentos do Projeto
Código/Referência DOI do Financiamento Tipo de Financiamento Programa de Financiamento Valor Financiado (Global) Valor Financiado (Local) Data de Início Data de Fim
UIDP/04466/2020 -- Contrato FCT - Financiamento Plurianual de Unidades de ID - Portugal 5900 5900 2021-09-01 2022-02-28
Outputs (Publicações)
Ano Tipo de publicação Referência Completa
N/A Artigo em revista científica Roldán-Molina, G. del R., Yevseyeva, I., Gómez-Meire, S., Basto-Fernandes, V. & Ramón Méndez, J. (N/A). Automatic knowledge exchange between ontologies and semantic graphs. Journal of Information Science. N/A
N/A Artigo em revista científica Relvas, T., Mariano, P., Almeida, S. M. & Santana, P. (N/A). A serious game for raising air pollution perception in children. Journal of Computers in Education. N/A
N/A Artigo em revista científica Vong, A. P. I. & Trigueiros, D. (N/A). Improved methods for identifying the operational determinants of a bank’s capital ratio. Applied Economics. N/A
N/A Artigo em revista científica Raposo, M., Eloy, S. & Dias, M. S. (N/A). Housing customization: envisioning an interface to support co-design processes. Archnet-IJAR International Journal of Architectural Research. N/A
2025 Artigo em revista científica Noetzold, D., Rossetto, A. G. de M., Barbosa, J. L. V. & Leithardt, V. R. Q. (2025). Investigation and optimization of StringDeduplication with custom heuristic in different versions of the JVM. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 23 (1), 43-49
2024 Artigo em revista científica Ribeiro, P., Ramos, R. F. & Moro, S. (2024). Restaurant containment measures and perceived service quality: Implications for future pandemics. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality. 19 (1), 116-130
2024 Artigo em revista científica Zhao, T., Gasiba, T., Pinto-Albuquerque, M. & Lechner, U. (2024). Thriving in the era of hybrid work: Raising cybersecurity awareness using serious games in industry trainings. Journal of Systems and Software. 210
2024 Artigo em revista científica Fernandes, E., Moro, S. & Cortez, P. (2024). A data-driven approach to improve online consumer subscriptions by combining data visualization and machine learning methods. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 48 (2)
2024 Artigo em revista científica Correia, R. M., Guerreiro, R. & Brandão, F. J. S. (2024). Quais são as zonas de Lisboa com altas densidades de anúncios Airbnb?. Rossio. Estudos de Lisboa. 10, 222-236
2024 Artigo em revista científica Câmara, A., Almeida, A. de. & Oliveira, J. (2024). Transforming the CIDOC-CRM model into a megalithic monument property graph. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology. 7 (1), 213-224
2024 Artigo em revista científica Curado, M. T., Resende, R. & Rato, V. M. (2024). Circular economy: Current view from the construction industry based on published definitions. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy. 20 (1)
2024 Artigo em revista científica Parece, S., Resende, R. & Rato, V. (2024). A BIM-based tool for embodied carbon assessment using a construction classification system. Developments in the Built Environment. 19
2024 Artigo em revista científica Gonçalves, A. M., Brandão, T. & Ferreira, J. C. (2024). Wildfire detection with deep learning—A case study for the CICLOPE project. IEEE Access. 12, 82095-82110
2024 Artigo em revista científica Sampaio de Almeida, D., Brito e Abreu, F. & Boavida-Portugal, I. (2024). Agent-based simulation of non-urgent egress from mass events in open public spaces. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. 136
2024 Artigo em revista científica Rio, A., Brito e Abreu, F. & Mendes, D. (2024). Causal inference of server- and client-side code smells in web apps evolution. Empirical Software Engineering. 29 (5)
2024 Artigo em revista científica Biscaia, R., Ramos, R. F., Yoshida, M. & Kim, Y. (2024). Service quality in spectator sports: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 48 (6)
2024 Artigo em revista científica Napoli, O. O., Almeida, A. M. de., Borin, E. & Breternitz Jr., M. (2024). Memory-efficient DRASiW models. Neurocomputing. 610
2024 Artigo em revista científica Noetzold, D., Rossetto, A. G. de M., Silva, L. A., Crocker, P. & Leithardt, V. R. Q. (2024). JVM optimization: An empirical analysis of JVM configurations for enhanced web application performance. SoftwareX. 28
2024 Artigo em revista científica Noetzold, D., Rossetto, A. G. D. M., Leithardt, V. R. Q. & Costa, H. J. de M. (2024). Enhancing infrastructure observability: Machine learning for proactive monitoring and anomaly detection . Journal of Internet Services and Applications. 15 (1), 508-522
2024 Artigo em revista científica Raposo, M., Eloy, S. & Dias, M. S. (2024). Bridging the gap in customised housing design: Integrating a graphic user interface for user collaboration. PLoS One. 19 (12)
2024 Publicação em atas de evento científico Murta, José, Amaral, Vasco & Brito e Abreu, F. (2024). Trusted Evidences on the Digital Transformation of Classic Cars Restoration. In Procedia Computer Science. (pp. 254-263).: Elsevier BV.
2023 Capítulo de livro Stellacci, S. & Eloy, S. (2023). Digital pathways for enriched communities and futures: Plantation heritage in São Tomé and Príncipe. In Danilo Giglitto, Luigina Ciolfi, Eleanor Lockley, Eirini Kaldeli (Ed.), Digital approaches to inclusion and participation in cultural heritage: Insights from research and practice in Europe. (pp. 27-51). Abingdon, NY: Routledge.
2023 Capítulo de livro Botelho, C., Nunes, N., Ferreira da Silva, C., Alexandre, I., Guerreiro, M. D. & Sousa, M. (2023). International mobility challenges in higher education in the digital era. In Maria José Sousa, Andreia de Bem Machado, Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini (Ed.), Technologies for sustainable global higher education. (pp. 187-210). London: Routledge.
2023 Publicação em atas de evento científico Paes, A,, Stellacci, S. & Eloy, S. (2023). Na busca de identidade: Apropriações realizadas por moradores em quatros bairros municipais do concelho de Loures. In SIIU 2023: XV Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo, Lisboa. Lisbon: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
2023 Publicação em atas de evento científico Castro, A. & Coutinho, C. (2023). Electronic voting through blockchain: A survey. In Y. I. Sokol (Ed.), HORA 2023 - 2023 5th International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications, Proceedings. Istanbul, Turkiye: IEEE.
2023 Publicação em atas de evento científico Lopes, J. F. & Santos, A. L. (2023). PescaJ: A projectional editor for Java featuring scattered code aggregation. In Tom Beckmann, Robert Hirschfeld, Juan Pablo Sáenz, Mauricio Verano Merino (Ed.), PAINT 2023: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Programming Abstractions and Interactive Notations, Tools, and Environments. (pp. 44-50). Cascais, Portugal: Association for Computing Machinery.
2023 Publicação em atas de evento científico Luz, R., Pereira, A., Corujeira, J., Krueger, T., Beck, J., Den Exter, E....Ventura, R. (2023). Feeling the slope?: Teleoperation of a mobile robot using a 7DOF haptic device with attitude feedback. In 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). (pp. 392-398). Busan, Republic of Korea: IEEE.
2022 Publicação em atas de evento científico Santos, A. L., Soares, T., Garrido, N. & Lehtinen, T. (2022). Jask: Generation of questions about learners’ code in Java. In Brett A. Becker, Keith Quille, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, (Ed.), ITiCSE '22: Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. (pp. 117-123). Dublin: Association for Computing Machinery.
2022 Publicação em atas de evento científico Susskind, Z., Arora, A., Miranda, I. D. S., Villon, L. A. Q., Katopodis, R. F., Araújo, L. S. de....John, L. K. (2022). Weightless neural networks for efficient edge inference. In Andreas Kloeckner, José Moreira (Ed.), PACT '22: Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques. (pp. 279-290). Chicago, Illinois: Association for Computing Machinery.
2022 Publicação em atas de evento científico Vieira, M. A. R., Sampayo, M. & Cunha, J. (2022). Um modelo visitado da arquitetura chã: as igrejas de São Miguel nos Açores. In ICEUBI2022 - International Congress on Engineering: Innovation and Sustainability Praxis. Covilhã: UBI.
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Análise de Dados de Imagem e Vídeo