Projetos de Investigação
Developing an intercultural game as a pedagogic tool for the inclusion of pupils with migrant bacKground in new Learning environments
The KiDLE project aims to support the inclusion of migrant children/pupils in new school environments by co-creating 5 intercultural board games and integrating them into a digital gaming pack. The project seeks to build educators' and parents' capacity to use games for children's learning and development, implement the gaming pack through gaming events, and raise awareness about the role of cross-cultural games in early childhood education towards supporting inclusion.
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Vários estudos têm mostrado evidências de sofrimento psicológico entre as gerações mais jovens e, em particular, nos estudantes universitários. O contexto da pandemia COVID-19 gerou ainda mais desafios, com impactos acrescidos neste grupo. O projeto resiliente@uni reúne um grupo de psicólogos de diferentes áreas de especialidade (por exemplo, psicologia social, educacional e clínica) para explorar a saúde mental e física desta população, identificando potenciais fatores de risco e de proteção, a diferentes níveis, desde variáveis intra-individuais a contextos sociais. Estes resultados destinam-se a informar programas e políticas de intervenção adequados para abordar esta questão. O projeto foi realizado em colaboração com estudantes: Catarina Caseiro Guilherme Manica Joana Maciel Ricardo Marques Joana de Moraes  
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Serviços Consultoria Científica Plataforma "Educar Melhor em Cascais" - Centro Formação Escolas Concelho Cascais (CFEC)
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Using School’s yard for ALL child’s wellbeing and development
The first years in life are of critical importance to develop cognitive and non-cognitive skills, but also to develop civic attitudes towards others, so to invest in this stage of development is crucial to ensure an inclusive society. For a real social inclusion of children with SEN we need to promote more social contact between pupils with SEN and pupils without impairments. This project is focused on bringing together children with SEN and children without impairment, in a context of formal and non-formal education, offering innovative methodologies to enable the success for all learners as well as a sense of belonging. The main goal of the project is to invest on the qualification of teaching & learning, setting up a network of inclusive schools and inclusive community organisations. This will be set up and tested by a consortium of 3 schools, 2 universities, 3 NGOs, 1 foundation and 1 enterprise.   The project foresees the below objectives: 1) to improve the learning quality of children, using non-formal learning and teaching environments to: promote more social contact between pupils with SEN and pupils without impairments; develop innovative learning processes guided by flexible curricula 2) to strengthen professionals’ attitudes, skills and abilities, providing them training opportunities aligned with national- and local-level policy goals for and understandings of inclusive education 3) to use an alternative learning environment - school yards - to create an innovative methodology to develop ALL CHILDREN mathematics, science and other competences (e.g. entrepreneurship and creativity) 4) to build on the existing resources following the principles of permaculture in the economy of hydric resources, soil conservation, activation of the microbiological fauna and plague protection. 5) to increase the parents’ and community’s participation by organizing local fairs of agro products in order to raise financial resources for the sustainability of the pro...
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As crianças têm o direito de participar em todos os assuntos que as afetam, expressando livremente a sua opinião e vendo-a respeitada e considerada. A participação de crianças pequenas é essencial para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura de direitos humanos e democracia. Portanto, a participação ativa e a tomada de decisões dos jovens na sociedade devem ser protegidas e incentivadas desde tenra idade. Embora o direito de participação das crianças seja essencial para a qualidade da educação, a sua implementação em educação de infância continua a ser um desafio. Com o objetivo de apoiar uma educação de infância de elevada qualidade com base na implementação do direito de participação das crianças, propomos uma abordagem multinível de desenvolvimento profissional.
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Growing in uRban educatIon and diversiTy
 The GRIT project focuses on fostering educational equity in urban educational settings. It addresses two main target groups: (1) indirectly: urban students threatened by early school leaving, and (2) directly: in-service educational professionals which are involved in teaching in urban settings. This project chooses to focus on the matter of early school leaving since urban educational systems are particularly vulnerable to problems associated with early school leaving. This project aims at developing a growth mindset for teachers' and teams of educational professionals in urban settings, and at enabling teachers to develop their students' growth mindset. The GRIT-project will design (a) a toolkit for teachers to practice growth mindset in order to develop their students' growth, (b) a guideline (protocol) for teachers to increase students’ resilience, (c) a hand-on training for teams of educators to learn this pedagogical & innovative approach, (d) a guideline (protocol) to train teams of educational professionals how to implement the 'growth mindset approach', and (e) an e-book for different stakeholders involved in the struggle against ESL. Through concrete experimentations in 5 European countries gathering different background and with partners addressing different kind of educators, the GRIT project will allow to enhance this innovative and  "bottom-up approach" among these key actors to struggle against Early School Leaving. Joana Alexandre (an assistant professor at ISCTE-IUL and a full member at CIS-IUL), Cecília Aguiar (an assistant professor at ISCTE-IUL and a senior researcher at CIS-IUL), Lígia Monteiro (an assistant professor at ISCTE-IUL), Teresa Seabra (a senior lecturer in Sociology of Education), and Inês Alves (a research assistant) are part of the GRIT project 
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A Blog as open learning platform for the field of Early Childhood Education about Research and Innovation to support Disadvantaged and Diverse children
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Media competency training for professionals in day-care centers and comparable institutions in rural areas of Europe
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Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society
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Como e sob que condições tem efeito a qualidade em educação de infância? Um estudo em quatro países europeus
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Participação Social de estudantes com NEE em escolas inclusivas_SENSEs
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Inclusão e sucesso académico de crianças e jovens imigrantes: o papel das dinâmicas de aculturação
O presente projeto pretende contribuir para o conhecimento sobre a integração, sucesso escolar e bem-estar dos alunos imigrantes (i.e., nacionais de países terceiros) nas escolas públicas do 1º e 2º Ciclos de Ensino Básico (CEB), em Portugal. Pretende-se concretizar este objetivo testando, especificamente, o papel das dinâmicas de aculturação e dos seus fatores psicossociais antecedentes na integração social e educativa destas crianças e jovens imigrantes. Uma vez que se pretende obter uma visão comparada e das várias perspetivas que informam o fenómeno em estudo, para além dos inquéritos a alunos imigrantes, serão ainda inquiridos alunos descendentes de imigrantes (perspetiva de um grupo comparável) e alunos de origem portuguesa (perspetive de um grupo de acolhimento). Estes dados serão contextualizados com recurso à análise dos documentos estruturantes da escola (e.g., Projeto Educativo) e com entrevistas à Direção, a elementos das coordenações pedagógicas do 1º e 2º Ciclos do CEB e inquéritos aos Diretores de Turma dos alunos imigrantes inquiridos.
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Curriculum Quality Analysis and Impact Review of European ECEC
In line with the EU strategies for 2020 and the need for a systemic and integrated approach to Early Childhood education and Care (ECEC), the project identifies eight key issues and questions for which effective policy measures and instruments should be developed. They concern assessing the impact of ECEC, optimizing quality and curricula for ECEC to increase effectiveness, raising the professional competencies of staff, monitoring and assuring quality of ECEC, increasing the inclusiveness of ECEC, in particular for socioeconomically disadvantaged children, funding of ECEC, and the need for innovative European indicators of children’s wellbeing. The project will address these issues in an integrative way by combining state-of-the-art knowledge of factors determining personal, social and economic benefits of ECEC with knowledge of the mechanisms determining access to and use of ECEC. In developing a European knowledge base for ECEC, we will add to the existing knowledge in two ways. First, we will include recent and ongoing ECEC research from several European countries. Second, we will include the perspectives of important stakeholders and integrate cultural beliefs and values. The central aim is to develop an evidence-based and culture-sensitive framework of (a) Developmental goals, quality assessment, curriculum approaches and policy measures for improving the quality and effectiveness of ECEC; and (b) Effective strategies of organizing, funding and governing ECEC that increase the impact of ECEC. Our interdisciplinary research team will construct this framework, based on the competencies and skills that young children need to develop in current societies, identify the conditions that have to be fulfilled to promote child development and wellbeing, and identify strategies and policy measures that support access to high quality provisions, and likely to receive broad support of stakeholders, thereby enhancing the impact of ECEC.
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