Research Projects
The research project focused on the development of a cutting-edge tool designed to aid organizations in enhancing their understanding and visualization of software models. The primary objective was to provide a user-friendly platform that would enable users to create, manipulate, and visualize software models in a highly intuitive and interactive manner. This tool aimed to bridge the gap between technical complexity and comprehensibility, allowing stakeholders to grasp the intricacies of software systems more effectively. By leveraging advanced visualization techniques and intuitive interfaces, the tool aimed to facilitate better communication and collaboration among software development teams, project managers, and other stakeholders. Through its innovative features, the tool aimed to empower organizations to gain deeper insights into their software models, make informed decisions, and drive efficient and effective software development processes.
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Master's Degree of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector
The Master's Degree in Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector (ManagiDiTH) is an innovative initiative in the European educational panorama, the result of a project financed by the European Union and led by the School of Applied Digital Technologies (Iscte-Sintra), in collaboration with two other universities: the Laurea - University of Applied Sciences, in Finland, and the AUTH - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in Greece. This Master's degree aims to train future professionals, both in the technological and healthcare areas, with essential skills to face the challenges and opportunities that the digital era brings to the healthcare sector. Given the rapid acceleration of technological development, there is an urgent need to equip professionals with the necessary tools to navigate this constantly evolving scenario. With a multidisciplinary and innovative curriculum, the ManagiDiTH master's degree integrates three fundamental components: societal, digital and health. Furthermore, students can choose between two areas of specialization: Data Science or Interoperability. This flexibility allows each student to personalize their training according to their interests and professional aspirations. Thus, students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in areas such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, automation, cybersecurity and other emerging technologies that are redefining the way healthcare services are provided and managed. The study program, consisting of three semesters with a total of 90 ECTS, provides a solid theoretical basis combined with practical experiences and real projects in the sector. Teaching is taught in English, following the most recent pedagogical guidelines related to Distance Learning, which allows the participation of students of different origins and nationalities. The highly specialized teaching staff, coming from diverse academic and professional backgrounds, constitutes an added value of this master's ...
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Development of a tool to digitalize quality assurance control
The research project focused on the development of a tool aimed at digitalizing quality assurance control processes. The primary objective was to create a comprehensive and user-friendly solution that would enable organizations to streamline and automate their quality assurance activities. By studying existing quality control practices, analyzing industry requirements, and considering key aspects such as data capture, analysis, and reporting, the project aimed to develop a tool that would facilitate the digitalization of quality assurance processes. The tool would provide functionalities such as capturing and storing quality data, performing automated checks and validations, generating real-time reports, and enabling collaboration among stakeholders. The project aimed to bridge the gap between manual and paper-based quality control methods and a digitalized approach, contributing to improved efficiency, accuracy, and visibility of quality assurance activities. Ultimately, the development of this tool aimed to support organizations in achieving higher levels of quality control, ensuring compliance with standards, and driving continuous improvement in their products and services.
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Investigate how metaverse may influence the B2B in telecommunications
The research project focused on investigating how the concept of the metaverse may influence business-to-business (B2B) interactions in the telecommunications industry. The primary objective was to explore the potential impact of the metaverse, a virtual shared space created by the convergence of physical and virtual realities, on B2B relationships, communication, and collaboration within the telecommunications sector. By examining existing literature, conducting industry analysis, and engaging with relevant stakeholders, the project aimed to understand how the metaverse could transform B2B interactions, such as virtual meetings, conferences, and product demonstrations. It explored the potential for immersive and interactive experiences, enhanced virtual communication, and innovative B2B engagement models. The project sought to bridge the gap between traditional business practices and the emerging possibilities offered by the metaverse, identifying opportunities and challenges for telecommunications companies in leveraging this technology to enhance their B2B interactions. The research aimed to contribute to a deeper understanding of the potential role of the metaverse in reshaping the telecommunications industry and inform strategic decision-making for B2B engagement in the evolving digital landscape.
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  • NFON - Leader (Portugal)
Use RPA to automate DevOps/ITSM processes
The research project focused on exploring the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate DevOps and IT Service Management (ITSM) processes. The primary objective was to investigate how RPA technology could be leveraged to streamline and automate repetitive tasks, workflows, and manual activities within the DevOps and ITSM domains. By analyzing existing processes, identifying bottlenecks, and studying industry best practices, the project aimed to identify suitable areas where RPA could be applied to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance overall productivity. The research explored how RPA bots could be programmed to perform tasks such as code deployments, system monitoring, incident management, and configuration management, among others. The project aimed to bridge the gap between manual execution and automated workflows, facilitating the integration of RPA into DevOps and ITSM practices. The research aimed to contribute to a deeper understanding of the potential benefits, challenges, and considerations associated with implementing RPA in these domains and provide insights to organizations seeking to optimize their DevOps and ITSM processes through automation
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Opitmization of Healthcare processes with BPM
The research project focused on the optimization of healthcare processes using Business Process Management (BPM) techniques. The primary objective was to investigate how BPM methodologies could be applied to improve the efficiency, quality, and patient outcomes within healthcare organizations. By analyzing existing healthcare processes, identifying bottlenecks, and studying industry best practices, the project aimed to identify areas where BPM could be implemented to streamline workflows, reduce redundancies, and enhance collaboration among healthcare professionals. The research explored process modeling, automation, and continuous improvement strategies that could be applied to healthcare processes. The project aimed to bridge the gap between manual and fragmented processes and create a structured and standardized approach to healthcare delivery. The research aimed to contribute to a deeper understanding of the potential benefits, challenges, and considerations associated with implementing BPM in the healthcare sector and provide insights to healthcare organizations seeking to optimize their processes, improve patient care, and achieve operational excellence.
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Project Partners
  • HSM - Leader (Portugal)
Development of an algorithm to predict house prices
The research project focused on the development of an algorithm aimed at predicting house prices. The primary objective was to create a robust and accurate model that could estimate the value of residential properties based on various features and data points. By analyzing historical housing data, incorporating factors such as location, property size, amenities, market trends, and economic indicators, the algorithm aimed to generate reliable price predictions. The project aimed to bridge the gap between subjective assessments and data-driven predictions, providing a standardized and objective approach to estimating house prices. Through machine learning techniques and statistical analysis, the algorithm would continuously learn and adapt, improving its predictive capabilities over time. The ultimate goal of the project was to assist buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals in making informed decisions based on more accurate price estimations, contributing to a more transparent and efficient housing market.
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Development of an algorithm to uniformize Real Estate agents mobile contacts
The research project focused on the development of an algorithm aimed at standardizing Real Estate agents' mobile contacts. The primary objective was to create a systematic approach to ensure consistency and uniformity in the format and structure of contact information used by Real Estate professionals on their mobile devices. By analyzing existing contact data, identifying patterns, and applying data cleaning techniques, the algorithm aimed to transform and standardize mobile contacts to a unified format. This would include aspects such as contact names, phone numbers, email addresses, and other relevant information. The project aimed to bridge the gap between disparate and inconsistent contact information, providing Real Estate agents with a standardized and organized mobile contact system. The algorithm would assist in optimizing communication, reducing errors, and enhancing overall efficiency in client interactions and business operations. Ultimately, the project aimed to contribute to a more professional and streamlined approach to mobile contact management within the Real Estate industry.
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Team management challenges organizations face when implementing Devops
The research project focused on exploring the team management challenges that organizations encounter when implementing DevOps practices. The primary objective was to identify and understand the key obstacles and difficulties faced by teams during the adoption of DevOps methodologies. By conducting in-depth interviews, surveys, and analyzing case studies, the project aimed to uncover common challenges such as cultural resistance, lack of collaboration, siloed mindsets, and skill gaps. Additionally, the project aimed to investigate issues related to team dynamics, communication, and change management that arise during the DevOps implementation process. The research aimed to provide insights into these challenges and offer recommendations and strategies for organizations to overcome them successfully. Ultimately, the project sought to bridge the gap between traditional organizational structures and the collaborative and iterative nature of DevOps, facilitating smoother team management processes and fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement within organizations
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End-to-end Security of the Digital Single Market’s E-commerce and Delivery Service Ecosystem”
ENSURESEC addresses the whole gamut of modern e‑commerce, from standard physical products purchased online and delivered via post, to entirely virtual products or services delivered online. It addresses threats ranging from maliciously modifying web e‑commerce applications or rendering them unavailable to legitimate customers, to delivery issues or fraud committed by insiders or customers. It achieves this by focusing on the common software and physical sensor interfaces that sit along the e‑commerce, payment and delivery ecosystem.
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Development of a dashboard to assist devops management
The research project focused on the development of a dashboard aimed at assisting DevOps management. The primary objective was to create a comprehensive tool that would provide real-time visibility into the DevOps processes and enable effective management of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics. By integrating data from various sources, including development, operations, and quality assurance, the dashboard aimed to present a holistic view of the DevOps lifecycle. The dashboard would offer visualizations, trends, and alerts to help managers track the progress, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions to improve collaboration, efficiency, and quality within the DevOps environment. The project aimed to bridge the gap between scattered data and actionable insights, facilitating effective management and continuous improvement in DevOps practices. Ultimately, the dashboard aimed to support decision-making processes, optimize resource allocation, and drive successful DevOps implementation within organizations.
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Improvement of a web CRM user interface and user experience
The research project focused on improving the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of a web-based customer relationship management (CRM) system. The primary objective was to enhance the usability and overall satisfaction of users interacting with the CRM platform. By conducting user research, analyzing user feedback, and studying industry best practices, the project aimed to identify pain points and areas for improvement in the existing UI/UX design. Based on these findings, the project sought to redesign the UI elements, optimize navigation flows, and enhance the visual aesthetics of the CRM system. The goal was to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface that would streamline tasks, improve productivity, and increase user engagement. Through iterative prototyping and usability testing, the project aimed to refine and validate the UI/UX improvements, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable user experience. The ultimate objective was to bridge the gap between user expectations and system functionality, delivering an enhanced CRM platform that would effectively support customer relationship management activities and contribute to the overall success of businesses.
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Project Partners
  • REMAX - Leader (Portugal)
Improvement of a mobile CRM user interface and user experience
The research project focused on improving the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of a mobile customer relationship management (CRM) application. The primary objective was to enhance the usability and overall satisfaction of users interacting with the CRM platform through mobile devices. By conducting user research, analyzing user feedback, and studying industry best practices, the project aimed to identify pain points and areas for improvement in the existing mobile UI/UX design. Based on these findings, the project sought to redesign the UI elements, optimize navigation flows, and improve the visual aesthetics of the CRM application for mobile devices. The goal was to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface that would enhance user productivity, facilitate information access, and promote seamless interaction. Through iterative prototyping and usability testing, the project aimed to refine and validate the UI/UX improvements, ensuring a delightful and efficient user experience on mobile platforms. The ultimate objective was to bridge the gap between user expectations and system functionality, delivering an enhanced mobile CRM application that would effectively support customer relationship management activities and contribute to the success of businesses.
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Project Partners
  • REMAX - Leader (Portugal)
Development of a mobile customer relationship management system
The research project focused on the development of a mobile customer relationship management (CRM) system. The primary objective was to create a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that would enable businesses to effectively manage their customer relationships through mobile devices. By leveraging mobile technologies, data integration, and user-friendly interfaces, the project aimed to develop a system that would empower businesses to access customer information, track interactions, and provide personalized services on the go. The mobile CRM system would allow businesses to capture and update customer data in real-time, manage sales pipelines, track customer interactions, and deliver targeted marketing campaigns. The project aimed to bridge the gap between businesses and their customers, enabling seamless communication, enhancing customer satisfaction, and driving customer loyalty. Ultimately, the mobile CRM system aimed to facilitate efficient customer relationship management, improve business productivity, and support effective decision-making.
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Project Partners
  • REMAX - Leader (Portugal)
CAPACITA: A Platform for Offering MOOCs for Training and Continuous Education.
Online courses represent an excellent source of information and knowledge for individuals. In a time of pandemic, where social isolation is necessary for survival, the availability of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), characterized as short-duration courses offered in a digital format, can assist in professional qualification and personal development. It is important to identify high-quality free courses offered by prominent national and international public and private educational institutions. This project aims to identify and present short-duration MOOCs that can contribute to individuals' education. The content will be presented on an online platform and organized into learning paths, categorizing related courses to help individuals find subjects that meet their personal and professional needs. Lastly, it is considered crucial for the provision of high-quality MOOCs to occur continuously, with easy access and regular updates.
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  • UFSC - Leader (Brazil)
Development of a Dashboard to Assist Decision-Making in University Extension Management
Information is considered a fundamental resource in the daily operations of organizations. The difficulty in processing and integrating data from various sources has influenced the emergence of Business Intelligence systems, which aim to aid in data collection, analysis, and understanding, extracting information to support the decision-making process. One way to visualize information is through dashboards, which utilize visual elements such as charts and maps to quickly monitor information. In this context, the visualization of information for effective decision-making by managers is essential in the activities of research, teaching, and university extension. University Extension, as one of the pillars of public universities, has been included in the resource allocation framework, making the definition of indicators a priority. Therefore, this project aims to construct dashboards with indicators and goals for extension activities. The adopted methodology will be Design Science Research (DSR) for the development of the dashboard. The development process is iterative, utilizing different technological tools, and interviews will be conducted with extension coordinators and area experts to jointly define goals and indicators. The expected results of this project are a dashboard or indicator panel related to university extension management. The developed tool will assist UFSC managers in data visualization.
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Project Partners
  • UFSC - Leader (Brazil)
Information Technology Governance Mechanisms for Higher Education Institutions
This project aims to identify the models, practices, and mechanisms of IT governance that higher education institutions have adopted and implemented, as well as the effectiveness of each of these mechanisms. The research is conducted in countries such as Brazil, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, among others, to compare the mechanisms used in universities in each country, whether public or private. The results of this project will contribute to universities reflecting on their adopted IT governance mechanisms in terms of structures, processes, and relationship mechanisms. Additionally, the identification of different types of tools used by universities to support IT governance will be addressed.
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Project Partners
  • UFSC - Leader (Brazil)
Development of maturity model for devops
The research project centered on the development of a maturity model specifically tailored for DevOps practices. The primary objective was to create a comprehensive framework that organizations could use to assess and measure their level of maturity in adopting and implementing DevOps methodologies. By studying industry best practices, analyzing existing DevOps processes, and considering key indicators and benchmarks, the project aimed to develop a structured model. This maturity model would provide organizations with a roadmap to evaluate their DevOps practices, identify areas for improvement, and define strategic steps toward higher levels of maturity. The project aimed to bridge the gap between current practices and desired DevOps standards, enabling organizations to enhance collaboration, streamline software development processes, automate workflows, and achieve greater agility and efficiency. Ultimately, the maturity model aimed to assist organizations in optimizing their DevOps implementation and fostering a culture of continuous improvement
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Development of system parking guiding
The research project focused on the development of a parking guiding system. The primary objective was to create a technology-driven solution that would assist drivers in finding available parking spaces efficiently. By leveraging advanced sensors, real-time data analysis, and intuitive user interfaces, the project aimed to develop a system that would guide drivers to vacant parking spots within parking facilities. The system would provide real-time information on parking availability, guiding drivers to the nearest open spaces through visual indicators or mobile applications. The project aimed to address the challenge of parking congestion, reduce traffic congestion, and enhance overall parking management efficiency. By providing drivers with accurate and up-to-date information, the system aimed to optimize the utilization of parking spaces, improve the overall parking experience, and contribute to more sustainable and organized urban environments.
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Proposal of a testing tool to work as a robotic process automation system
The research project focused on evaluating the feasibility of a testing tool to function as a robotic process automation (RPA) system. The primary objective was to assess the practicality and viability of integrating RPA capabilities into the existing testing tool. Through extensive analysis and testing, the project aimed to determine if the tool could effectively automate repetitive and rule-based tasks within business processes, thus streamlining testing activities. The evaluation encompassed various factors, including the tool's compatibility with different systems, its adaptability to different business environments, its ease of implementation and maintenance, and its potential impact on testing efficiency and effectiveness. The project aimed to bridge the gap between traditional testing tools and RPA systems by exploring the potential benefits and challenges associated with incorporating RPA capabilities. The findings of the evaluation would contribute to informed decision-making regarding the adoption and integration of the testing tool as an RPA system, potentially leading to enhanced testing practices and improved overall efficiency in business processes
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Project Partners
  • EDP - Leader (Portugal)
Development of a system able to enable workers to meet in a virtual environment
The research project centered on the development of a system that enabled workers to meet in a virtual environment. The primary objective was to create a platform that would facilitate virtual collaboration and communication among geographically dispersed teams. By leveraging advanced technologies, such as virtual reality or video conferencing, the system aimed to provide an immersive and interactive virtual environment where workers could engage in meetings, discussions, and collaborative activities. The system sought to bridge the gap between physical and virtual workspaces, enabling seamless interaction and fostering a sense of presence among team members. The project aimed to enhance productivity, efficiency, and collaboration by providing a platform that replicated the experience of face-to-face meetings and encouraged active participation and engagement. Ultimately, the system aimed to enable remote workers to effectively connect, share ideas, and work together, regardless of their physical location.
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Optimization strategies for emergency departments
The research project focused on proposing optimization strategies for emergency departments by leveraging data analysis techniques. The primary objective was to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency healthcare services. Through comprehensive data collection and analysis, the project aimed to identify patterns, bottlenecks, and areas of improvement within emergency departments. By utilizing advanced analytical tools, the project sought to uncover insights regarding patient flow, resource allocation, and operational processes. These insights were then used to develop optimization strategies that would enhance the overall performance of emergency departments, reduce waiting times, and ensure timely and appropriate patient care. The project aimed to bridge the gap between data-driven insights and actionable solutions, ultimately contributing to the enhancement of emergency healthcare services and patient outcomes.
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Proposal of optimization strategies for the HR department processes.
The research project focused on proposing optimization strategies for HR department processes through the application of Business Process Management (BPM) methodology and heuristics. The primary objective was to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of HR operations by leveraging BPM principles and heuristic techniques. By analyzing the existing HR processes, identifying critical decision points, and considering the underlying rules and conditions, the project aimed to develop targeted strategies to streamline and optimize HR activities. The proposed strategies involved modeling and designing HR processes using BPM techniques, automating repetitive tasks, and applying heuristics to guide decision-making and problem-solving. Additionally, the project aimed to establish performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor and measure the effectiveness of HR operations. By combining BPM methodology and heuristics, the project aimed to improve recruitment processes, enhance onboarding and training procedures, optimize performance management, and foster employee engagement within the organization.
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Project Partners
  • BdP - Leader (Portugal)
Development of a system able to extract clinical knowledge from electronic medical records
The research project centered on the development of a sophisticated system capable of extracting clinical knowledge from electronic medical records (EMRs) to facilitate hospitals' understanding and demand for drugs inventory. The primary objective was to leverage the vast amount of data within EMRs to provide hospitals with valuable insights into patient demographics, medical conditions, treatment patterns, and medication usage. By applying advanced data mining and natural language processing techniques, the system aimed to extract and analyze relevant clinical information from EMRs, enabling hospitals to gain a comprehensive understanding of drug requirements and consumption patterns. This knowledge would empower hospitals to make data-driven decisions regarding drugs inventory management, ensuring adequate stock levels, minimizing wastage, and optimizing the availability of critical medications. The project aimed to bridge the gap between clinical data and inventory management, ultimately supporting hospitals in delivering quality healthcare services efficiently and effectively
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Proposal of optimization strategies for incident management process
The research project focused on proposing optimization strategies for the incident management process through the application of Business Process Management (BPM) methodology and heuristics. The primary objective was to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of incident response and resolution by leveraging BPM principles and heuristic techniques. By analyzing the incident management process, identifying critical decision points, and considering the underlying rules and conditions, the project aimed to develop targeted strategies to streamline and optimize incident handling. The proposed strategies involved designing and modeling the incident management process using BPM techniques, automating repetitive tasks, and applying heuristics to guide decision-making and problem-solving. Additionally, the project aimed to establish performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor and measure the effectiveness of incident management. By combining BPM methodology and heuristics, the project aimed to improve incident identification, escalation, and resolution, enhance communication and collaboration among stakeholders, and ensure timely and efficient incident management practices within the organization.
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Development of a system to predict emergency department demand.
The research project focused on the development of an advanced system aimed at predicting emergency department demand by considering various criteria such as weather conditions, seasonal patterns, and other relevant factors. The primary objective was to leverage historical data and predictive modeling techniques to forecast the expected influx of patients into emergency departments. By integrating weather data, seasonal trends, and other pertinent parameters, the system sought to generate accurate predictions that would enable healthcare facilities to proactively allocate resources and plan for potential surges in demand. The project aimed to bridge the gap between data-driven forecasting and emergency department management, empowering healthcare providers to optimize their staffing levels, streamline workflows, and ensure timely and appropriate patient care. Ultimately, the system aimed to enhance emergency department preparedness and improve overall patient outcomes
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Project Partners
  • HGH - (Portugal)
Development of an algorithm to automate incident resolution
The research project focused on the development of an algorithm aimed at automating incident categorization. The primary objective was to create a robust and intelligent system capable of classifying incidents into predefined categories accurately. By analyzing historical incident data, identifying patterns, and leveraging machine learning techniques, the project aimed to develop an algorithm that could automatically assign incidents to appropriate categories based on their characteristics and attributes. The algorithm's goal was to reduce the manual effort and subjectivity involved in incident categorization, leading to more consistent and efficient incident management. Through iterative training and validation, the algorithm aimed to continually improve its accuracy and adaptability to new incident types. The project aimed to bridge the gap between manual categorization and automated classification, contributing to streamlined incident management processes and enhanced decision-making within the organization.
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R&D project “COBRA2” Nº 23565 about a tool for assessing the maturity level for several IT governance frameworks and standards
The research project revolved around the development of an advanced tool aimed at assessing the maturity level of multiple IT governance frameworks and standards. The primary objective was to provide organizations with a comprehensive and standardized approach to evaluating their adherence and maturity across various IT governance domains. The tool aimed to streamline the assessment process by incorporating key metrics, benchmarks, and indicators from established frameworks such as COBIT, ITIL, and ISO/IEC 27001. By leveraging automated data collection and analysis techniques, the tool sought to generate accurate and reliable maturity assessments, enabling organizations to identify gaps, prioritize improvements, and establish a roadmap for enhancing their IT governance practices. Ultimately, this project aimed to empower organizations with a robust tool to assess their maturity and ensure the alignment of their IT governance with industry best practices.
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Development of a dashboard to measure the hospital productivity.
The research project centered on the development of an innovative dashboard designed to measure hospital productivity. The primary objective was to create a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that would enable hospitals to assess and monitor their performance across various key indicators. By integrating and analyzing data related to patient throughput, resource utilization, financial metrics, and quality of care, the dashboard aimed to provide a holistic view of hospital productivity. Through visualizations, trend analysis, and benchmarking capabilities, the dashboard sought to empower hospital administrators and stakeholders with actionable insights for optimizing operations, enhancing efficiency, and improving overall productivity. The project aimed to bridge the gap between data-driven performance measurement and strategic decision-making, ultimately supporting hospitals in delivering high-quality healthcare services and achieving their productivity goals
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Project Partners
  • HGO - (Portugal)
R&D project “ISINOV” about a tool for assessing the maturity level of ITIL, COBIT e CMMI
The research project aimed to develop a comprehensive tool designed to seamlessly integrate the most renowned IT frameworks, including COBIT, ITIL, and CMMI. The primary objective was to empower organizations with the ability to assess their overall maturity in various IT processes and obtain valuable guidance on prioritizing the implementation of new processes. This tool would serve as a unified platform, consolidating the best practices and principles from these frameworks, providing organizations with a holistic view of their IT capabilities and helping them identify the most suitable processes to enhance their overall maturity. By incorporating the strengths of each framework, this integrated tool sought to streamline the assessment and improvement process, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and align their IT practices with industry standards effectively.
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